• Why Do Married Women Travel Solo?

    Why Do Married Women Travel Solo?

    phyllistemplePhoto is of Phyllis in Khajurahu, on our India trip.

    Phyllis started The Women’s Travel Group in order to travel. She had 5 weeks vacation in her career as a banker; her husband had 2. She loved travel; he was indifferent. She wanted to see ethnic exotic places; he liked London, Paris.

    There are many reasons why married women travel with The Women’s Travel Group. Some of the obvious ones are like Phyllis’. Less obvious:

    He is not well. We have elderly parents/young children and one parent must stay home.…

  • Five Musts on a First Singles' Tour

    Do at least a little reading so you actually know where you are going. Even if just a wikipedia whisk through. Save some of the information in your Kindle or other device.  Sources: wikipedia, Frommers/Fodors/Lonely Planet on line. Did you know you can borrow e guidebooks from the library then save chapters in your phone etc.

    Have $50-100 in single US Dollar bills to use before you have local currency. Going to the bank at the destination airport is dangerous. You will be exhausted, you might leave something behind, you need to keep one eye on luggage and one on your money.…

  • Is Naples Scary or Scrumptious

    Safety and Mafia are Naples brand to many. But act smart as you would anywhere and enjoy these surprises on our Thanksgiving trip: Rome-Naples-Amalfi Coast.

    Naples is the Holy Grail of pizza. Did you know the Margarita Pizza was designed as the first pizza presented to the Queen of Italy in 1889. Red, white and green are the national colors.

    Naples’ pizza restaurants have a certificate of authenticity approved by an official committee.

    Many carved nativity scenes come from Naples which has been called Christmas all year around.…

  • Why Exotic Trips are Easier than Europe

    Why Exotic Trips are Easier than Europe


    Why exotic travel can be easier than European jaunts?

    Many trips to Europe involve a lot of city walking, stairs and marble museum floors. You are tempted to even when tired to wander the neighborhood of our centrally located hotels for some shopping, snacks or photo ops. Oh, those aching feet. In addition, some of us use the fitness area after a day of sightseeing and airplane rides, without thinking to stretch beforehand. Then finally, to save money, we will carry wine back to our room for in-room parties with the group.…

  • What Phyllis Learned on Vacation

    Just returned from my personal vacation, and here is what I learned:

    The world is still traveling. And tourist sites are full of happy, unworried travelers. Airports are as busy, flights fairly full. Families smiling and excited about their vacations.

    You will notice that immigration is slower and more thorough on both ends. There is the obvious, customs employees are also on family vacations. There is the newsworthy, they are being careful and methodical. There is the season, summer is peak which is why our group trips are mainly off season.…

  • 9 Hour Jetlag is Easier than 6

    9 Hour Jetlag is Easier than 6


    Flying to India is easier on your body than flying to Europe.  Why is this? How do we plan for the perfect India tripelephantstwo

    Once you arrive in Delhi on our annual Colors of India Trip, from a North American flight, you are individually met and escorted to our luxurious hotel.  After dinner with our group, you are ready to enjoy the ample cool and elegant hotel room.  Jetlag will lull you to sleep. Next day you will wake up at 6AM, have time for your emails, organizing clothes or using a glorious spa in our hotel.…

  • Holiday Weekend Tips Just for Women

    Holiday Tips uniquely for women, from The Women’s Travel Group. We all know the usual: be at the airport early, drive carefully and don’t drink/eat too much. Here are about a few others that effect women more than men:

    Toss a small roll of toilet paper in your carry on. Bathrooms are bound to be full at airports and highway stops. Supplies will be gone.

    Take some purell type gel to wipe hands after you leave a crowded public bathroom.…

  • Falling Down 15 Stairs

    Yesterday we  read about the awful attack in Istanbul. Shocking videos made even my stalwart travel spine shiver. My heart went out to those injured and families of those killed. Then I remembered how, in a moment of stupidity, I fell down 15 steep stairs, collapsing at the bottom with a flying iPad. Wondering if I was crippled for life. Why connect the two?

    Reading about terrorism and being personally affected by it are very different animals. The statistics of being part of a terrorist event are miniscule, yet television metaphorically covers us with blood.…

  • US Passport Problems

    The elephant who came to our bus in Jaipur India to say hi. Next India trip: Dec 2016

    Can a US Passport Holder be turned away by a country that normally allows us entry?  We all assume that our US/ Canadian passports grant us entry to practically all nations.  (When The Women’s Travel Group trips require a visa ahead of time for instance India,Iran, Brazil) , we advise you carefully).

    Here are some situations where you might spend your vacation in the airport.…

  • Saving Seats in Airports for Mystery People?

    Saving Seats in Airports for Mystery People?

    Accept temporary TSA delays. Here is what really has to change: the behavior of fellow passengers. And your reaction…

    Stop saving seats for mystery people. Tell the saver, you will sit there until the mystery person comes back.

    Don’t talk on the phone in bathroom stalls. Knock on the stall door and alert them.

    Don’t leave a 100% charged device in the shared electrical plug.  Find the owner and tell them you are replacing it with yours.

    Drop trash in the bin, not on the adjacent table.…

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