• Five Summer Travel Tips Women Need

    Five Summer Travel Tips Women Need

    Please share this with friends who make these mistakes. I do too on some Women’s Travel Group trips, so don’t fear you are the only one.

    Wrong clothes: Americans are used to frigid air conditioning in hotels and restaurants. Overseas, air conditioning is sometimes centrally controlled by the hotel or building.  Some restaurants will be open to the street or plazas. Wardrobe should be light and layered. Invest in some linen shirts and or quick dry synthetics. Cotton can be heavy, hard to dry.…

  • What Else Can We Say about United Airlines

    The Women’s Travel Group is horrified. How disgusting was the behavior of the so called “police” on the United flight that dragged a 69 year old doctor off the plane? How low will pretend “big boys” in their fake police-labeled jackets go? And how removed was the crew and captain, who so far are silent? To cap it all off, the CEO Oscar Munoz of United was rude, arrogant, and other words we cannot use here.

    From what we have read, the airline could have offered more $$$ to get passengers off the plane.…

  • Why are Solo Women Afraid to Travel Part 3

    Why are Solo Women Afraid to Travel Part 3

    This is part 3 of our ‘walkthrough of a trip’ illustrating why women are scared to travel.

    Part 1 was a general introduction.

    Part 2 covered  Find the trip you want, we’ll walk through the itinerary to identify scary parts. 1- Did the luggage arrive? 2-Is someone there to meet me? 3-If my plane is delayed, should I get hysterical?

    Part 3  Can you sleep in this hotel? Will you be ok in a room alone? What if you can’t do something on the trip?…

  • Why are Solo Women Afraid to Travel: Part 2

    Part 2 will address the following issues which scare us women:

    Find the trip you want, walk through the itinerary to identify the scary parts. 1- Did luggage arrive? 2-Is someone there to meet me? 3-If my plane is delayed, should I get hysterical?

    Walk thru the itinerary with us on the phone; lets find anything which you worry about and address it. Elephant ride in India? A long walk? Food?

    As the airport carrousel rolls around with everyone’s luggage, most women hold their breath.  …

  • Why Are Solo Women Scared to Travel?

    Everyday we get calls and emails, some are to book trips and some are to say you are scared to book a trip. Some have booked trips and call to say they are still scared and nervous. Lets take apart a trip and try to experience it ahead of time to take the scared part away.

    First here is Phyllis’ first trip alone. I flew to London, made it to the apartment where I was staying. Hungry and nervous about going out for dinner alone at night time, I went a nearby restaurant.…

  • New Airline Regulations for Women

    There are new regulations and there are new headlines. Two girls were turned away from a United flight, wearing leggings.  They were traveling on airline passes, as a relative worked for United.  Airlines have strict dress codes for passengers on free tickets and leggings are definitely not allowed. This is a fake story. Read before you panic.

    Another new regulation is that all electronics (except phones and medical devices) must be packed,if you are flying from 8 airports in the Middle East on airlines which fly direct to the US.  …

  • TSA and 5 Items Not to Wear or Carry

    TSA and 5 Items Not to Wear or Carry

    The Trump Administration is considering 11% cuts in the TSA Budget. If that means faster yet more intrusive searches, women need to rethink what we wear and what we carry. Especially if you are traveling alone on one of our trips, you don’t want to be delayed while your carry on sits away from sight.




    Here are  items that should be left home, substituted or packed in your suitcase. Here are some tips from The Women’s Travel Group:

    The big one: underwired bras.

  • Where in the World is Waldo Safe?

    Where in the World is Waldo Safe?

    Every day when I wake up, the paper and tv tell me to hide in the deepest closet. There I might be safe, if I don’t eat sugar, fat, processed foods, or salt. So are we safe if we travel today? Who are all these pundits and are they for real?

    There are the safety consultants, usually for profit companies, who want you to hire them for consultations or training in judo.

    There are battalions of former– not all so young –military personnel now on the payroll of tv news programs. …

  • Never Eat these 10 No No’s Overseas

    There are certain no no’s if you wish to travel to more exotic places and NOT get sick. This blog post might sound too conservative but why lose your hard earned money and days on a trip when you get sick?

    1. Shell fish, unless you are in a fine restaurant adjacent to the sea!
    2. Fish on weekends or after holidays. In some countries, fish is not delivered on weekends, Mondays or holidays….your fish will be old.
    3. Cut up fruit cocktail, not everyone washes hands when cutting fruit.
  • Traveling Abroad in the Trump Era

    Traveling Abroad in the Trump Era


    Whatever your politics, you might worry about the image of Americans with Trump as President. During the 60’s the Dollar was king, the elite traveled; Americans were new rich tourists aka The Ugly Americans. During the 70’s we stayed in hostels  flyew on charter flights. If it was Tuesday it was Belgium. In the 80’s we flooded Europe and SE Asia many with first passports. In the 90’s overseas travel started in college with junior years abroad. 2000’s tourists went to new countries in Eastern Europe, did volunteer tourism and adult study programs.…

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