Lessons for Exotic Travel
The Women’s Travel Group tour of 17 just returned from Ethiopia,an exotic trip we organize. We traveled from well developed Addis Ababa to remote Arba Minch. Here are some of the instructions which made our trip so successful.
Check altitude of the destination, so you are prepared/and or take it easy the first days. Addis is 8,000 ft.
Do not depend on weather history. Global changes are affecting travel. Normally cool Ethiopia was hotter due to El Nino this year.…
Last Minute Travel Worries for Women
Last minute is when the worries swell and ruin your sleep. But women have different and surprising concerns. The Women’s Travel Group is sharing these with you so you do not feel you are crazy!
The clothes conundrum: did I bring enough? The right kind? Should I buy hiking shoes: answer not really. Even how many times do you wear each pair of socks? Wear what is comfortable and light, what you can wash in a sink ( use shampoo), or what does not show dirt like dark colors.…
Overseas Phone Savings for Dummies
Here we are in India where phone service was excellent and Facetime easy to connect. We arrange trips to India every year!
December 2016 India trip click here
After you return home and see a huge bill from your carrier, you will decide to learn the telephone mess once and for all. We are not telephone experts but here are some easy tips to save money. You can find many more on line.
If your hotel has free wifi (usually in public areas), you can forego paying for email.…
Virus Headlines and Selling News
OK so we get annoyed also. We notice the only times women get travel news headlines is when bad stuff happens, like the Zika Virus or rape in India. The New York Times Travel Section on Sunday wrote an unusually wonderful story about 4 women traveling in Namibia.
Why did this catch our eye? Because a day before we posted our Namibia trip on line! If you review trends for travel, you will see our choices ahead of the pack:
Worst Mistakes When Delayed by Weather
Delays due to weather/strikes happen. This list is what you should NOT do:
Panic, it will not help you to make sharp decisions.
Call your travel agent unless she/he booked the actual flight.
Pull out your credit card immediately.
Stand in a long frenzied line with screaming people.
Pack in luggage your phone charger; always keep it in carry on.
Here is what you SHOULD do:
Scan trip documents for the 24/7 emergency numbers of your trip. Always keep the 24/7 numbers for your flights/cruise/tour on hand.…
Female Neurosis– Insomnia in Travel
More than men, women have sleep problems when we travel. Jet lag and being away from home–possibly for the first time alone –can complicate the issue.
If you can, fly so you arrive early evening. Do not exercise heavily before bed; but a nice walk will help. On some trips like our Colors of India, there are choices of flight arrivals.
Start moving into the new time zone before you leave. Get up early or stay up late whichever applies. Some jet lag like that for our China trip is easier going there than coming home.…
Travel Chores You Should Never Delay
January is a time to procrastinate. After finishing the year. we slow down for winter and hide under the covers.
Here are a travel chores to do immediately:
Book solo specials. We get many single cabins at the double rate.They disappear. On our solo special cruises, we sell out the best deals first. July 2016 we are offering Gems of SE Europe from AMA Waterways, our favorite river cruiser. For new travelers AMA is a welcoming way to see the world.…
Women's Holiday Travel Dreams
I too am visiting family over Christmas and yes, I too have a holiday travel fantasy. By the way, the photo was sent in some time ago by one of the groups who went to Oman.
I get upgraded to a seat next to NO ONE.
The airplane smells like lavender.
The overhead rack is not overhead.
The pilot is a woman who narrates shopping experiences as we pass Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Los Angeles. She has low blood pressure and keeps the cabin warm.…
Staying Healthy while You Travel
Our Travel Insurer, Travel Insured Corp. sends out a newsletter which The Women’s Travel Group Office finds useful in a practical way. After all, they pay when practical things go wrong!
Here are some good tips:
—–Carry disinfecting wipes to clean items like airplane trays, hotel TV remotes, and your and public phones.
—-Get enough sleep to help your body stay healthy. Try to have a somewhat regular sleep schedule, if there are time zone changes. Use a white noise app if you have a hard time falling asleep.… -