• Facebook Criticism re: Womens Thanksgiving Trip

    Yesterday we stated that going away for Thanksgiving was good for those of us with no family or uncomfortable  holiday memories. Facebook comments were: You should be with your family. We should not write that some families can be nasty.

    The reality is many women of our age do NOT have family.  That we want to escape the sad memory of lost husbands and friends during Holidays.  Many feel they are a third wheel each year in a friend’s home.

    Lets celebrate in whatever fashion is right for each of us.…

  • Why vacation over Thanksgiving?

    The Women’s Travel Group offers both Christmas and Thanksgiving vacations. This year, 2016 we are going to the magnificent Amalfi Coast and Rome for Thanksgiving and Morocco for Christmas.

    Thanksgiving evokes memories of warm families and of nasty families, of lost ones and of distant ones. Being geographically away from your life eases the good and bad memories.

    For many of us, Thanksgiving is the beginning of a string of memories which culminate on Dec 31. Going away cuts that string and opens your mind and heart to new adventures which have no blemishes.…

  • Five Awful Travel Embarassments for Women

    Five Awful Travel Embarassments for Women


    The Women’s Travel Group know squirming well.

    Luggage does not come and you are in airplane-dirty clothes for 4 days. Solution: accept the kindness of strangers, our group will offer substitutes and we will get someone to take you shopping!

    You lost your hormone pills, that means crying in front of the group. Yes it happens, and no, no one will laugh at you. Bring all medicine in the generic. We  help you with a hotel doctor and  nearby pharmacy for replacements.…

  • Saving Seats in Airports for Mystery People?

    Saving Seats in Airports for Mystery People?

    Accept temporary TSA delays. Here is what really has to change: the behavior of fellow passengers. And your reaction…

    Stop saving seats for mystery people. Tell the saver, you will sit there until the mystery person comes back.

    Don’t talk on the phone in bathroom stalls. Knock on the stall door and alert them.

    Don’t leave a 100% charged device in the shared electrical plug.  Find the owner and tell them you are replacing it with yours.

    Drop trash in the bin, not on the adjacent table.…

  • Dressing for an Upgrade

    The Women’s Travel Group Opines About How to Get Upgrade  This article was written for The National Association of Baby Boomers. Enjoy:

    Does looking the part get you upgraded? There are various theories about this but the consensus is YES.

    AirFareWatchdog.com founder George Hobica, an airline expert was told by an agent that it might help since airlines would not put someone wearing flip flops next to an important traveler. The rule that goes for being seated in the front of the restaurant goes for getting into First Class for free.…

  • "I ve never traveled alone before"

    "I ve never traveled alone before"

    Group in Utah,

    We at The Women’s Travel Group hear this all the time from women in all walks of life, even high level professionals. Many women only traveled with a partner, friend, or family. We are older, we are not wiser when it comes to travel. Here are ways to make your first solo trip stress free:

    Go with a group of only women, those are the travelers who want to make friends.

    Go with a group that arranges the entire tour and most meals, no options, you want to be together all the time on your first solo trip.…

  • Who Should Never Travel with a Group?

    We usually write about group travel since that is what The Women’s Travel Group offers so successfully. So who should NOT join a group?

    Chronically unpunctual people. You know them: you lie to them about meeting times. If you fit this mold, tell us.  You should taxi to our next museum or do your own thing- just let us know.

    Whiners. No one enjoys  women grousing about a delayed flight in front of the magnificent Taj Mahal- India December 2016?

  • Single or Share? Don't for Each Choice

    Single or Share? Don't for Each Choice

    yogaHere we are in India. Join us in December 2016 for another amazing trip.

    templeSome women prefer a single on Women’s Travel Group trips. Others want a share. What are the do’s and don’ts to make each work?

    Share: To make this work and it usually does work, speak frankly to your roommate about tv noise, room temperature, when you prefer to shower, and general neatness. Come to an agreement about each and again be straightforward.

    Do not put any expenses on the joint room tab.…

  • Can You Diet on Vacation?

    Food is an essential part of travel and The Women’s Travel Group likes to eat on our trips. But can you refrain from a feeding frenzy when traveling?

    Try to eat a hearty meal before you go to the airport so you don’t blow your diet on terra firma. That means, you do not empty all the good food from your pre-trip refrigerator-you might even plan a nice going away meal for yourself.   Airplane meals are loaded with salt and sugar, so here you can eliminate some of this by pre-ordering a low salt low sugar meal.…

  • What You Won't Get in a China Trip

    All trips to China are NOT the same.  Here is what you will not see with other groups, but do enjoy with us The Women’s Travel Group to China Oct 10-20. $2590+ air.

    The Great Wall at Mutianyu:  with fortified towers and,  uncrowded vistas. Here the Wall is Mongol, not ‘Disney’.

    Art only Chinese Afford   Don’t you want to see the largest Art Museum in Asia? Only with The Women’s Travel Group.

    Mao and Propaganda: No other trip includes Propaganda.…

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