• Keeping Fit on the Road

    Keeping Fit on the Road

    yhotelsign Our hotel in Merida Dec 2-7 Yucatan Trip

    We often write about how to travel if you have issues. This past week as a woman called us to say it sounded as if fit women did not join our groups. So here is the explanation: we like to encourage everyone to look at their personal issues and get over them. It is not that we all have bad knees or backs!

    If you are super fit, there are some options for you to maintain your fitness during most trips.…

  • How Smart Women Salvaged Weather Torn Vacations

    Weather has always been an issue. Current weather patterns are even more disruptive to travel. Be prepared and smart. To save your vacation The Women’s Travel Group is sharing some tips if bad weather seems imminent. First travel insurance: we always offer it when you book a trip. Our insurer is Travelinsured, reliable, 24/7 emergency phone help, and wonderful to work with.

    How smart women saved their vacations:

    Member from Minnesota was told by her airline that a connection in Newark was cancelled due to snow. …

  • Why You Need to Call Your Tour Operator

    Why You Need to Call Your Tour Operator


    Please share with friends who have special needs they are reluctant to talk about.
    Why should you also call your tour operator? Sometimes speaking with us at The Women’s Travel Group, brings up other questions you forgot or were nervous to ask.

    Example: A woman was hesitant. When we spoke with her, she told us she was on the heavy side and worried that she might not fit in.

    Some questions are easier to answer verbally. Example: A woman asked if she, as an older lady, could do our trips?…

  • Danger Signs in Women's Tours

    Five danger signs to warn you off a tour; serious tips to share from The Women’s Travel Group.

    Yes we have heard stories like the one from Isabelle who booked a train trip from a tour operator, arrived only to find there was no such train. Here are the danger signs:

    No one answers the phone-voicemail will not do especially while you are traveling.

    Photos in brochures or sites are formally posed not casually shot.

    Women in photos are obvious models not real people.…

  • Holiday Weekend Tips Just for Women

    Holiday Tips uniquely for women, from The Women’s Travel Group. We all know the usual: be at the airport early, drive carefully and don’t drink/eat too much. Here are about a few others that effect women more than men:

    Toss a small roll of toilet paper in your carry on. Bathrooms are bound to be full at airports and highway stops. Supplies will be gone.

    Take some purell type gel to wipe hands after you leave a crowded public bathroom.…

  • Falling Down 15 Stairs

    Yesterday we  read about the awful attack in Istanbul. Shocking videos made even my stalwart travel spine shiver. My heart went out to those injured and families of those killed. Then I remembered how, in a moment of stupidity, I fell down 15 steep stairs, collapsing at the bottom with a flying iPad. Wondering if I was crippled for life. Why connect the two?

    Reading about terrorism and being personally affected by it are very different animals. The statistics of being part of a terrorist event are miniscule, yet television metaphorically covers us with blood.…

  • US Passport Problems

    The elephant who came to our bus in Jaipur India to say hi. Next India trip: Dec 2016

    Can a US Passport Holder be turned away by a country that normally allows us entry?  We all assume that our US/ Canadian passports grant us entry to practically all nations.  (When The Women’s Travel Group trips require a visa ahead of time for instance India,Iran, Brazil) , we advise you carefully).

    Here are some situations where you might spend your vacation in the airport.…

  • Brexit Shock and Your Travel Plans

    (The photo is from voxeurop.eu)

    Yeserday, Britain voted to leave the EU.

    How will this change your travel plans? Here is guidance from The Women’s Travel Group.

    For Americans, little will change possibly attitude- see below. If you look at the visa stamp in your passport from a past trip to the UK, you see the following paraphrased. You may enter the UK for up to 6 months. You may not use public assistance. (These are national health or other services like reduced rates for seniors on buses, trains, in museums,free medical, dental, reduced price medicine, eyeglasses etc.)…

  • US Airlines Block Discounters

    Norwegian Airlines,one of the largest in Europe, is being blocked from new routes US-Europe by lobbying from our BIG Airlines. We recently wrote about Airline Safety. Apparently Norwegian meets the standards listed in that article.

    So guys, if you want us consumers to book higher airfares rather than fly on Norwegian, then give us a bone:

    Better ff benefits that you just snatched from us.

    A nibble? A peanut? A chip or two?

    Don’t charge for a tissue.

    Add some decency to your approach.…

  • Overseas Phone Savings for Dummies

    Overseas Phone Savings for Dummies


    Here we are in India where phone service was excellent and Facetime easy to connect. We arrange trips to India every year!

    December 2016 India trip click here

    After you return home and see a huge bill from your carrier, you will decide to learn the telephone mess once and for all. We are not telephone experts but here are some easy tips to save money. You can find many more on line.

    If your hotel has free wifi (usually  in public areas), you can forego paying for email.…

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