So what is this talk about junk fees? The Women’s Travel Group never adds them. Simplifying the definition: hotels are listed by price on line. The cheapest appear first. (Sponsored ads above them). We, normal people, are likely to click on the cheapest link if for the same hotel.
Once you click ‘yes ‘you want that property, you then choose your room type. All good so far. But to book that room you will see a list of extra fees in a shockingly expensive invoice.…
The Women’s Travel Group was recently asked: Can you ‘walk’ me through the airport? I have not traveled overseas in a long time. Re-entry to travel is daunting. So here is The Women’s Travel Group’s step by step airport walk through.
When you arrive at the airport, have handy your passport and booking information. The latter might be a print out of your flights? An electric pass in your phone? Or just a record locator you jotted down.
Never take: A plastic water bottle, why? Buy water in any airport or supermarket and re use the bottle! Always buy water that has a sealed top; do not let the vendor unseal it. That way you know it has not been refilled.…
Packing and weather do not dance together well. During Summer, we pack light clothes and tees; therefore, forgetting that altitude and general direction of winds can create unseasonably cold air. Moreover, we forget that planes are cold and some airports as well. In winter we can overpack again forgetting that in cold weather, one can use sweaters and jeans for a number of days. But that shoes might get wet so we need a second pair.
A good way to zero in on what to pack is to make some notes on what you are wearing on different weather days.…
We have time right now for insights into The Women’s Travel Group travel psyche. Do we have travel worries? Or travel addictions?
Do we really miss travel?
Do we really need travel?
Why do we miss travel despite what we don’t miss about travel?
Five things we really miss
We miss the anticipation of a trip: thinking about our first sighting of the domes of Florence ( Source), from the air or the crooked cobbled streets of a Moroccan souk.
Women’s Travel Nerves. Tips from the Experts. I was just in London when hearing that Trump was closing the US Border. Why was I unable to take a day to think about it? Why did I not realize that this was an impossible mandate? Because I am a woman traveling solo? I reacted too fast, bought a new one way ticket at a ridiculous price and flew home. The plane was empty, the mandate was false; therefore, I should have waited and gone the next day.…
Travel films from The Women’s Travel Group. So you are stuck at home. The closets are cleaned. Your kitchen is sparkling. Now, what can you do to make your inside time more enjoyable yet keep travel in your mind? This is the first in a series of ‘s posts about films shot in gorgeous exciting locales. This one is all about India where we go each November as a group trip while the weather is ideal. …
You should renew your Passport before getting close to 6 months pre expiration. Most countries require you to have 6 months left or immigration can deny your entrance.
Visa pages are just that: pages where foreign officials can stamp your passport, giving you entree to their country. This stamp is your visa to enter so make sure you get the actual stamp. This means you will have to concentrate after a long flight, but do it. On the way out, officials might look for your entry stamp!…
In India in Nov. you want spills on your clothes so you can have fun buying your new batik wardrobe
Most women prefer their own personal products even when they travel. Allergies? Perfumes we are used to? Most women also experience spills of liquids and or spots when we pack poorly.