Welcome to a 1st Exotic Trip
How To Prepare for Your First Exotic Trip: The Women’s Travel Group.
This photo of Marrakech from Morocco Tourism Office April 7-20 2019 The Women’s Travel Group offers Morocco and we have a few spots left: from sophisticated Mediterranean coast (Casablanca, Rabat, Fez etc.) over the Atlas Mountains to the Sahara Oasis of Marrakech. From Roman towns to tribal villages. From rolling hills to snow capped mountains.
If you have never traveled outside of North America and Europe, this is a perfect first exotic trip. Here it is: Here is the full itinerary: click this link
Exotic and Exciting Morocco Photo from Morocco Tourism Office Preparing for Morocco
Fabulous Fez Photo from Morocco Tourism Office People dress in original photogenic ways; they might be camera shy so respect with permission before taking photos.…
Cook When You Don’t Have to? Tuscany Cooking and Seeing Tour ONE ROOM LEFT
Every year we fill Tuscan Cooking and Seeing Tour early. This year we have one cancellation, single or share.
Why cook when you are in Italy?
Why not?
$3399 based on single occupancy and $2999 based on double occupancy if share is available. Your only extras are tips for guide, chef and driver. Optional Pisa stopover pre tour.
Your group is small-only 10 women.We stay in a lovely recently restored farm house with 10 bedrooms, 10 private bathrooms, swimming pool, wifi, several living rooms, several dining areas (inside and outside) and a huge kitchen where our chef teaches.…
5 Recent Travel Headlines and How They Effect Your Trips
5 Recent Travel Headlines and What They Mean to Your Trips
Please send us headlines or rumors about travel and we will be your detective. Email them here
Fuel Costs are Up and this means ticket prices might rise. Most of us remember that huge $$ amount called Fuel Surcharges; it morphed into a vague phrase called International Charges but remained something you pay for in your taxes. Expect some increases.
The Dollar is remaining strong and this means that airline taxes for international tickets might fall as they are in foreign currencies.…
Labor Day is for Women
The Women’s Travel Group Wishes you a Wonderful Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day in the United States is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws and well-being of the country. (Wikipedia). We all know Labor Day as the unofficial end of Summer and the beginning of planning for the Autumn and Winter.
Labor Day is also about women and our contributions to our country.…
6 ‘Get Out of Jail Cards’ for The Nervous Female Traveler
Scared of traveling? Here are 6 get out of jail suggestions for you and your friends from The Women’s Travel Group, specialists for new travelers.
Learn your phone. By learning to use your phone, you will never feel alone while overseas. Learn what is wifi? texting? whapsapp? roaming? cellular data? contacts list?
We joke that a 5 year old can teach us computers. So can the Apple Store, questions to google.com and friends. Learn and you will feel connected to your life back home.…
5 Reasons to Make Ireland a First Overseas Trip
First overseas travel can be scary. You are away from the home you know and trust. Accents might be hard to decipher. You are jet lagged. You are tired. Money is strange. People might look at you. Even TV will surprise.
Going to Ireland as your first overseas trip is a smart idea. Touching on the above: the language is English, accents are closer to the American accent, than most British accents. The flight is short. Signs are in English. And the greatest benefit: Many Irish feel close to our country and have family in the US.…
Timing is Everything for the Woman Traveler
Here is another article about women and travel published on the Huffington Blog. Follow the link above and away you go.…
Our Profile and How To Find Us on Huffington Post
Phyllis Stoller is a contributor to Huffington Post. Here is her profile:click here.
You can find her articles on Huffington Post by clicking on profile above. The articles are primarily travel tips for solo women travelers. However, some articles are based on current travel news, we believe important for our readers. These range from airline alerts to safety to Being an American World Traveler in Today’s Political Arena.
We are not afraid of talking about sensitive topics like widowhood and travel or mixing ethnicities in a travel group.…
Women’s Travel: Travel Tips on Sleeping Better in Hotels
Phyllis Stoller is an outside contributor on women and travel for Huffington Post. Here is her latest article:
Feel free to add your tips and share them with our community of traveling women! Our favorite earplugs are here:
www.thewomenstravelgroup.com for more smart trips for women who might be solo.
Phyllis@thewomenstravelgroup.com 646 309 5607 for direct line.
Experiment with Your First Solo Trip
The Women’s Travel Group hears this frequently: ‘I went on this trip as an experiment’. Women usually go on a trip to see the world, but newly single women also go as a personal challenge. Here are the worries many voice either on the phone or very often by the third night of a trip.
I came to see if the women were friendly? Proof: we have never had a trip when women did not exchange emails and phone numbers. We give you a list and you fill in the rest. …