How to Travel with "Bad Knees"
Every week, we at The Women’s Travel Group hear this: ‘I have some knee problems ‘….knees being a metaphor for limitations. We all have limitations, as our mechanics deteriorate, we just jog too much or we are nervous travelers going solo for the first time.
A few ideas to measure if you can travel with our group:
Do you walk every day for normal errands?
Can you put aside your nerves, lose sleep but learn to travel again in a group?…
Why Exotic Trips are Easier than Europe
Why exotic travel can be easier than European jaunts?
Many trips to Europe involve a lot of city walking, stairs and marble museum floors. You are tempted to even when tired to wander the neighborhood of our centrally located hotels for some shopping, snacks or photo ops. Oh, those aching feet. In addition, some of us use the fitness area after a day of sightseeing and airplane rides, without thinking to stretch beforehand. Then finally, to save money, we will carry wine back to our room for in-room parties with the group.…
What Phyllis Learned on Vacation
Just returned from my personal vacation, and here is what I learned:
The world is still traveling. And tourist sites are full of happy, unworried travelers. Airports are as busy, flights fairly full. Families smiling and excited about their vacations.
You will notice that immigration is slower and more thorough on both ends. There is the obvious, customs employees are also on family vacations. There is the newsworthy, they are being careful and methodical. There is the season, summer is peak which is why our group trips are mainly off season.…
9 Hour Jetlag is Easier than 6
Flying to India is easier on your body than flying to Europe. Why is this? How do we plan for the perfect India trip?
Once you arrive in Delhi on our annual Colors of India Trip, from a North American flight, you are individually met and escorted to our luxurious hotel. After dinner with our group, you are ready to enjoy the ample cool and elegant hotel room. Jetlag will lull you to sleep. Next day you will wake up at 6AM, have time for your emails, organizing clothes or using a glorious spa in our hotel.…
Five Awful Travel Embarassments for Women
The Women’s Travel Group know squirming well.
Luggage does not come and you are in airplane-dirty clothes for 4 days. Solution: accept the kindness of strangers, our group will offer substitutes and we will get someone to take you shopping!
You lost your hormone pills, that means crying in front of the group. Yes it happens, and no, no one will laugh at you. Bring all medicine in the generic. We help you with a hotel doctor and nearby pharmacy for replacements.…
Saving Seats in Airports for Mystery People?
Accept temporary TSA delays. Here is what really has to change: the behavior of fellow passengers. And your reaction…
Stop saving seats for mystery people. Tell the saver, you will sit there until the mystery person comes back.
Don’t talk on the phone in bathroom stalls. Knock on the stall door and alert them.
Don’t leave a 100% charged device in the shared electrical plug. Find the owner and tell them you are replacing it with yours.
Drop trash in the bin, not on the adjacent table.…
"I ve never traveled alone before"
We at The Women’s Travel Group hear this all the time from women in all walks of life, even high level professionals. Many women only traveled with a partner, friend, or family. We are older, we are not wiser when it comes to travel. Here are ways to make your first solo trip stress free:
Go with a group of only women, those are the travelers who want to make friends.
Go with a group that arranges the entire tour and most meals, no options, you want to be together all the time on your first solo trip.…
The scariest moment of a group tour
There is a rhythm to group tours. Excited leaving home. Jumpy at the airport. Collapsed in the airline seat. Anxious departing the plane. Confused entering the airport. Nervous at luggage. Scared leaving customs. Relieved when met.
The scariest moment of a trip is leaving the customs area of a foreign airport then scanning the crowd for a sign that says WELCOME ME.
Before you leave home, have your meet and greet information with local phone number in your wallet or clearly noted in your phone with overseas calling ability.…
Single or Share? Don't for Each Choice
Here we are in India. Join us in December 2016 for another amazing trip.
Some women prefer a single on Women’s Travel Group trips. Others want a share. What are the do’s and don’ts to make each work?
Share: To make this work and it usually does work, speak frankly to your roommate about tv noise, room temperature, when you prefer to shower, and general neatness. Come to an agreement about each and again be straightforward.
Do not put any expenses on the joint room tab.…
Can You Diet on Vacation?
Food is an essential part of travel and The Women’s Travel Group likes to eat on our trips. But can you refrain from a feeding frenzy when traveling?
Try to eat a hearty meal before you go to the airport so you don’t blow your diet on terra firma. That means, you do not empty all the good food from your pre-trip refrigerator-you might even plan a nice going away meal for yourself. Airplane meals are loaded with salt and sugar, so here you can eliminate some of this by pre-ordering a low salt low sugar meal.…