Travel Tips Blog and Statistics
Holiday Weekend Tips Just for Women
Holiday Tips uniquely for women, from The Women’s Travel Group. We all know the usual: be at the airport early, drive carefully and don’t drink/eat too much. Here are about a few others that effect women more than men:
Toss a small roll of toilet paper in your carry on. Bathrooms are bound to be full at airports and highway stops. Supplies will be gone.
Take some purell type gel to wipe hands after you leave a crowded public bathroom.…
Falling Down 15 Stairs
Yesterday we read about the awful attack in Istanbul. Shocking videos made even my stalwart travel spine shiver. My heart went out to those injured and families of those killed. Then I remembered how, in a moment of stupidity, I fell down 15 steep stairs, collapsing at the bottom with a flying iPad. Wondering if I was crippled for life. Why connect the two?
Reading about terrorism and being personally affected by it are very different animals. The statistics of being part of a terrorist event are miniscule, yet television metaphorically covers us with blood.…
US Passport Problems
The elephant who came to our bus in Jaipur India to say hi. Next India trip: Dec 2016
Can a US Passport Holder be turned away by a country that normally allows us entry? We all assume that our US/ Canadian passports grant us entry to practically all nations. (When The Women’s Travel Group trips require a visa ahead of time for instance India,Iran, Brazil) , we advise you carefully).
Here are some situations where you might spend your vacation in the airport.…
Brexit Shock and Your Travel Plans
(The photo is from
Yeserday, Britain voted to leave the EU.
How will this change your travel plans? Here is guidance from The Women’s Travel Group.
For Americans, little will change possibly attitude- see below. If you look at the visa stamp in your passport from a past trip to the UK, you see the following paraphrased. You may enter the UK for up to 6 months. You may not use public assistance. (These are national health or other services like reduced rates for seniors on buses, trains, in museums,free medical, dental, reduced price medicine, eyeglasses etc.)…
Why Delta Loves Merida?
Kathy, a new Women’s Travel Group member, emailed us today that she flies a lot, and read an article about Merida, Mexico, in the new Delta Magazine. Dec 2-7 2016 $1525. Our hotel is Casa de Balam, a baroque boutique hotel with a pool, fine courtyard dining close to the center. Be a trend setter and come to Merida with us before the crowds.We can only take a small group due to the hotel size.…
Travel Bullying
Facebook comments about solo Holiday Travel. We are especially touched by hospice nurse, Ms. Baha, reminding us life is short. So why are we women travelers allow bulling by others?
Single women travelers secretly feel we are losers. I know the feeling myself. You look at brochures and see happy couples or groups of friends? You call friends, try to get them to join you, get rejected and find yourself rereading your guidebook.
Single travelers worry they will alone. Most of the women who travel with us or other women’s groups are coming alone but find instant travel companions.…
Facebook Criticism re: Womens Thanksgiving Trip
Yesterday we stated that going away for Thanksgiving was good for those of us with no family or uncomfortable holiday memories. Facebook comments were: You should be with your family. We should not write that some families can be nasty.
The reality is many women of our age do NOT have family. That we want to escape the sad memory of lost husbands and friends during Holidays. Many feel they are a third wheel each year in a friend’s home.
Lets celebrate in whatever fashion is right for each of us.…
Why vacation over Thanksgiving?
The Women’s Travel Group offers both Christmas and Thanksgiving vacations. This year, 2016 we are going to the magnificent Amalfi Coast and Rome for Thanksgiving and Morocco for Christmas.
Thanksgiving evokes memories of warm families and of nasty families, of lost ones and of distant ones. Being geographically away from your life eases the good and bad memories.
For many of us, Thanksgiving is the beginning of a string of memories which culminate on Dec 31. Going away cuts that string and opens your mind and heart to new adventures which have no blemishes.…
Five Awful Travel Embarassments for Women
The Women’s Travel Group know squirming well.
Luggage does not come and you are in airplane-dirty clothes for 4 days. Solution: accept the kindness of strangers, our group will offer substitutes and we will get someone to take you shopping!
You lost your hormone pills, that means crying in front of the group. Yes it happens, and no, no one will laugh at you. Bring all medicine in the generic. We help you with a hotel doctor and nearby pharmacy for replacements.…
Saving Seats in Airports for Mystery People?
Accept temporary TSA delays. Here is what really has to change: the behavior of fellow passengers. And your reaction…
Stop saving seats for mystery people. Tell the saver, you will sit there until the mystery person comes back.
Don’t talk on the phone in bathroom stalls. Knock on the stall door and alert them.
Don’t leave a 100% charged device in the shared electrical plug. Find the owner and tell them you are replacing it with yours.
Drop trash in the bin, not on the adjacent table.…