Travel Tips Blog and Statistics
Travel Nerves and How to Get Over Them
Our most recent post is about travel nerves and the scariest points in each new trip. Read this here or on Huffington Post where Phyllis Stoller is a travel contributor.…
Do You Deserve a Thanksgiving Getaway?
Women deny ourselves gifts and time we sorely need. We don’t celebrate birthdays or special occasions the way we deserve. And we express guilt if we buy something extravagant. I recently heard myself make an excuse for buying a designer dress….and it was for my son’s wedding! So how can we get over this absurdity?
Thanksgiving and Christmas are times with memories, good, bad and sometimes sad. Buying yourself something like new shoes is a brief relief at holiday time. Taking a plunge with travel can help make the new you.…
Women’s Travel Groups: will you fit in?
How can a whole group of women who don’t know each other become friends on a trip? And how does The Women’s Travel Group create friendship? We decided to write about this topic after a conversation yesterday. A caller told us she had gone with another company and it was ‘high school all over’. Women did not bond and she felt left out. This is in contrast to the comment made by a stranger on our AMAWaterways cruise in July 2017 She said: ‘How nice that a group of friends can go on vacation together and have so much fun‘.…
What You do not Know about New York City
New York has an ancient history, ancient by US standards. Each group of people has left its mark here. The Dutch filled land which we now call Alphabet City (Avenue A, B, and C). It is this low lying land that flooded in Hurricane Sandy. They also leveled the hills in Manhattan to make it easier for their horses.
The British gave names: New York after the king’s brother, Broadway (meaning a large street), and so forth. There are many buildings left from British pre-independence times.…
Fighting with New Electronic Devices While Traveling
I just spent a wonderful holiday weekend, perfect until I tried to use a new computer. I kept getting messages about keychain passwords and messages crowded the screen. So what is to be learned from an admittedly electronic novice about this nightmare?
The easy stuff i
s that you only need an adaptor out of the US. Electronic devices are manufactured to charge on different types of electricity. DC is stronger than what we are used to in the US, so your device will charge faster.…
Women’s Travel: Travel Tips on Sleeping Better in Hotels
Phyllis Stoller is an outside contributor on women and travel for Huffington Post. Here is her latest article:
Feel free to add your tips and share them with our community of traveling women! Our favorite earplugs are here: for more smart trips for women who might be solo. 646 309 5607 for direct line.
Experiment with Your First Solo Trip
The Women’s Travel Group hears this frequently: ‘I went on this trip as an experiment’. Women usually go on a trip to see the world, but newly single women also go as a personal challenge. Here are the worries many voice either on the phone or very often by the third night of a trip.
I came to see if the women were friendly? Proof: we have never had a trip when women did not exchange emails and phone numbers. We give you a list and you fill in the rest. …
Sicily: Is it Catholic? Jewish? Greek? Arab? Mafia? Jetset?
Our next Sicily trip is during festival and Christmas markets season! Here it is. Photos in this blog post are mainly taken by our travelers on the last Sicily trip.
Sicily is a the most magnificent part of Italy with the best food, untouched villages and Greek/Roman ruins with no crowds. Agriturismo farms like the ones we eat at, are internationally known. Oil Mill and Farmhouse, Baglio Fontanasalsa will change your palate: rated 5 stars producing some of the best olive oil in the world.…
When to document with a Photo?
Everyday we read about videos and photos travelers take to document bad situations. When should you take a photo or video and how should you do it? If you are going to document situations, keep notes which include names of flight attendants, pilot etc. Your seat number and ticket number, which is the very long letters/numbers reference.
First get the time/date on your phone set correctly. Then include something in the photo that dates and places the incident.
When not to take a photo:
A manager/check in personnel has been horrible to you, ask for their card.…
Stopover NY before a flight?
Consider a stopover NY. Spending a night at JFK or in town, before a transAtlantic flight is a good idea for two reasons: 1- airfares broken in two might be cheaper and 2- you will have less jetlag and more time to relax. Oh yes there is a 3- a visit to New York City for a day.
We can book both flights for you if you decide to spend a night in NY.
There is excellent subway service directly from JFK to midtown Manhattan, safe, cheap, fast, air conditioned and somewhat wifi activated.…