Travel Tips Blog and Statistics
Places to Go in 2018 and Why Norway?
The New York Times publishes a list of 50 places to go each year. Some of these places would never be on one of The Women’s Travel Group’s bucket lists. Others are a surprise. Some areas are included because of new museums, more air routes or a festival. Countries create festivals to commemorate the 500 anniversary of whatever. Countries will also turn to expert public relations companies to get their names on this or other lists of Top 50.…
Events to Avoid Overseas
This is from a Huffington Post Article by Phyllis Stoller, President of The Women’s Travel Group.When you plan your next trip, you will likely consider weather and hopefully check into seasonal costs of flights/hotels etc. Travelers today are traveling during what are called ‘shoulder’ seasons which relate to good, not perfect weather, which avoid peak season crowds and can offer lower airfares. However, many travelers do not check other factors that might make a trip excessively expensive or full of unpleasant surprises. -
Don’t Be A Travel Widow
Here is a summary of our most recent Huffington Post Article. It is all about the phenomen of us Travel Widows. We are the women whose husbands or partners do not like to travel. The blog post covers
–statistics of women traveling alone
–how recent news of sexual harassment has propelled us to be more confident
–why women want to travel and men don’t
–and yes you will recognize either yourself or your friends in this article.
Phyllis Stoller writes often about women and travel.…
This is a blog post from Huffington Post which we hope you will follow: Look for Phyllis Stoller, a contributor and follow her there. Most posts are not repeated here.These mistakes are commonplace and can make your trip pretty miserable. Follow the link above for more information about safe traveling and below use the link for more about The Women’s Travel Group and our tours.Yes, all of these mistakes are common even for a veteran traveler, former ex-pat and the President of The Women’s Travel Group.… -
Timing is Everything for the Woman Traveler
Here is another article about women and travel published on the Huffington Blog. Follow the link above and away you go.…
Our Profile and How To Find Us on Huffington Post
Phyllis Stoller is a contributor to Huffington Post. Here is her profile:click here.
You can find her articles on Huffington Post by clicking on profile above. The articles are primarily travel tips for solo women travelers. However, some articles are based on current travel news, we believe important for our readers. These range from airline alerts to safety to Being an American World Traveler in Today’s Political Arena.
We are not afraid of talking about sensitive topics like widowhood and travel or mixing ethnicities in a travel group.…
The Women’s Travel Group is a Proud Contributor to Huffington Post
If you have not read our travel tips on Huffington Post, here is a short list to keep you busy. We cover travel tips for a first solo trip, essential oils, and travel for women, Safety for women going to unusual destinations, Politics and Travel, Cheap Travel Clothes….all written with women’s unique needs. We hope you enjoy our articles and contribute by emailing us, posting on Facebook or even a nice telephone call. is our email. is our website
The Biggest Passport Mistakes from our Insurer: Travelinsured
The Women’s Travel Group always recommends travel insurance from our insurer: The company also sends us informative tips which we are sharing with you in this blog post.
Who ever thought you could make a mistake with your passport. We know our passport photo is horrible but what else can go wrong? Here is what Travel Insured says:
You’ve booked your next trip abroad! No matter how experienced of a traveler you are, sometimes mistakes happen. Here are some of the most common passport mistakes you should be sure to avoid before you leave.…
Enjoy Photos from last Womens Travel Festival Sicily Trip
Parade in Palermo…
Edges of Europe: A Winter Warmth Destination that Will Surprise You
The Edges of Europe: A Winter Warmth “Destination of the Year” 2017
France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, we love them all YET they are full of tourist
buses and crowds. Where can you go in Western Europe and not be part of a hoard of intrusive selfies, bumping back packs and flag furling walking guides?
Look South, then West. Here is a winter warmth place you probably did not think about until this article and Huffington Posts feature: Portugal is the place to go in 2017.…