• Cheapskates’ Wifi on Vacation

    Cheapskates’ Wifi on Vacation

    How to be cheap/smart/bargain hunter/whatever from The Women’s Travel Group. Paying for wifi overseas on top of paying a crazily expensive phone bill at home is a nasty burden. Before we start, any public wifi is insecure unless you purchase a VPN line. VPN lines are cheap but might not work on sites like Paypal or your financial sites: Bank, Stocks. Those sites usually need to identify your phone, computer or ipad.

    Most hotels offer what they call free wifi; it is not really free as it is included in your room costs, or in junk fees added to that rate.…

  • Market Mania in Paris

    Market Mania in Paris

    What to grab at Parisian Street Markets

    Here are some of the most engaging street markets in Paris; we walk by some on our trip. Some are food with mountains of cheeses and breads, some are herbal with soaps and personal products, some sell objects and antiques. We only listed those which are easy to locate during our November Paris week. Look down each street and alley, you will find others.

    Paris Official Tourism site: Blvd Saint Germain church https://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com/tours//
  • Enjoy Our Women’s Tour of Paris

    Enjoy Our Women’s Tour of Paris

    Surprising  US History in Paris with The Women’s Travel Group

    There is more Americanism in Paris than a dancing Gene Kelly. On our November trip we pass many connections to our history. Street names emphasize our mutual friendship dating from before the American Revolution and continuing today: Rue Benjamin Franklin, Avenue Franklin, Avenue du President Kennedy. 

    Famous Pyramid Louvre, designed by America I. M Pei.

    George Washington is honored with monuments in Paris. One is in Place d’Iéna which runs into the famous Arch de Triple we will pass.…

  • What to Expect in Europe this Summer

    What to Expect in Europe this Summer

    First of all check out our Summer Specials and last minute Savings

    If there is a special event, restaurant or museum exhibit you wish, book it now.  Europeans are raring to travel; so far a 14% increase. A Vermeer exhibit in Amsterdam was sold out months in advance.  A revival of Guys and Dolls in London same situation. I am not a believer of Skip the Line tickets; seems elitist. If the ticket relates to your dreams, then go ahead.

    Italian Lakes Trip July 2023 One spot left.
  • Is a room share worth $975 for you?

    Is a room share worth $975 for you?

    There is a room share available on Northern Italy/ Switzerland trip in July1 Here is how to deal with a room share on a WTGroup trip. Hotels charge exorbitantly if one person is in a room. From their revenue point of view they sell ‘real estate’. One person (versus two persons) takes up the same square footage as two, uses the minibar and room service less, tips porters less and buys a one half breakfast. Thus the single supplement as high as 100%. …

  • 5 Items I should not have packed

    5 Items I should not have packed

    The Women’s Travel Group just returned from a trip to The Caucasus. 5 Things I should not have packed are below. They all added weight, bulk and became annoying to move around each day.

    On return from the trip, I examined the non clothing items left in my suitcase. There were items I should not have packed.

    Too many snacks: granola bar type. Unless you are on the moon, you can buy snacks anywhere in the world. Under International snack food, As an example: Amazon shows a selection of snacks from around the world.…

  • Reading Lists for Travel: Should you Bother?

    Not everyone wants to study again and many of us consider travel a non-homework activity. I personally do believe in doing some reading before a trip. There are two kinds of books for travel: travel fiction and guidebooks. The former is just as informative in the way it opens your eyes to subtleties. An example might be what a headdress might mean?  Travel fiction is written by women often covers myths or religious beliefs which are hard for us to understand.…

  • Women's leadership exchange conference in NY

    Women's leadership exchange conference in NY


    We announced our Business Breakaway to Argentina March. 7-15 2014 Make contacts and widen your network plus have a marvelous trip. Details on www.thewomenstravelgroup.com…

  • Kenya Crisis

    For one who always has advice, this tradegy was hard to foresee. All of my normal hunts would have come up with nothing: local English speaking papers? overseas pundits from the UK, Australian, Canadian foreign ministries did not issue ‘do not go’ warnings. Not even the fact that an Israeli shop was in this mall means it would be targeted.

    From what I have read this was an extension of Somali warfare and turf battles. It might be partially due to the fact that the Kenyan army is involved in trying to stabilize chaos and guerilla blackmail in Somalia?…

  • Ixtapan Spa

    Loofah fango with real mud ALL OVER YES ALL OVER did the early am walk. Followed by fresh juice snd a great low fat buffet.The aqua aerobics were in warm water and now getting ready for tuna by the pool.…

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