• Heavy packables to throw out

    Travel clothes today are easy, leggings have replaced trousers/ washables have replaced cotton. So why is your suitcase so heavy?   Travel doctors tell us that back issues are the number one health problem for traveling women. Moving your heavy case in the hotel room is one reason. So here are some weighty things to leave home.

    Shoes: toss  heavy shoes and replace with light walking shoes. Merrell is one brand that produces solid but light walkers. Also: Easy Spirit, some Rockports, Keen.…

  • Is it Odd to Travel Solo for Christmas?

    Do we all fit the image of ‘happy family with turkey and gifts under the tree”? Or are you with no family, and friends who invite you because you make a great cake? You are not an oddball; we hear this all the time.

    No matter what your religion, going away for Christmas removes you from the intensity, memories, and obligations of the season.  Leaving home and family, if you have any, means more than ‘taking a trip’.  It is a form of refreshing independence. …

  • Uber Services  Frenemies? Or Friends?

    Uber Services  Frenemies? Or Friends?

    Today I read in travel news that Virgin America in Dallas Love Airport is giving free rides by Uber for passengers. Besides being frequent flyers, most of us are also frequent taxi to the airport people. Who do you use?

    Taxis can be hard to find during bad weather, holidays, even Fridays after work. In some cities regular taxis now at least have a smart phone app like Uber offers. Radio cabs which you can book on line usually charge a few more dollars than taxis but they are reservable.…

  • Women Traveling in History

    Women Traveling in History.


    This is a fun article written by Phyllis Stoller of www.thewomenstravelgroup.com about women travelers of history and us today. Are we so different? I think not!


    Happy Holidays to all our wonderful travelers. See you in Turkey? or Chile? or India?…

  • Ten New Trends for Women Travelers

    An excellent article about us women travelers with a long interview with Phyllis Stoller, founder of The Women’s Travel Group…

  • Excuses Friends Use NOT to Travel

    Excuses Friends Use NOT to Travel



    Yes we all… eat gelato in Italy and are proud of it.







    Excuses Friends Use NOT to Travel

    “Have to think about it”.

    “Cannot decide now”.

    “Want to get a frequent flyer mile ticket”.

    “Might need a procedure?

    “My family doesn’t think I should go”.

    But here is what women are actually thinking:

    “I am afraid to go alone, even in a group”.

    “I am shy and not good around new people.”

    “I used to travel with my husband/best friend/partner and he passed away”.…

  • Group Trip Deadlines & Discounts

    The Women’s Travel Group has strict deadlines for bookings on most of its trips. The reason is that most resorts / airlines etc. impose these dates to control discounts. For instance, Canyon Ranch gives us a 35% discount on our group booking for Columbus Day Weekend, but the resort takes away unsold rooms in mid August– months before our arrival. This rule guarantees them that unsold rooms can be given to the general public at a higher rate, and it puts pressure on us to fill them.…

  • Reading Lists for Travel: Should you Bother?

    Not everyone wants to study again and many of us consider travel a non-homework activity. I personally do believe in doing some reading before a trip. There are two kinds of books for travel: travel fiction and guidebooks. The former is just as informative in the way it opens your eyes to subtleties. An example might be what a headdress might mean?  Travel fiction is written by women often covers myths or religious beliefs which are hard for us to understand.…

  • Travel Safety Clothing: A Big Fraud

    The word, ‘safety’, gets the most attention in travel media. The word, ‘clothing’, gets the most attention in travel media from women readers. So it is all too frequent that article themes are ‘new travel clothing for women’! Today a google alert about women and travel, had another promo about a travel shirt for women. DON’T SPEND YOUR MONEY ON THINGS LIKE THIS.

    The best safety tool you have is your common sense and your ability to go on a trip as rested as possible.…

  • 5 'Do Nots' for Spa Trips to Ixtapan Spa and Canyon Ranch

    —-Do not pack your sneakers! Buying new ones at a spa can be both expensive and impossible if your luggage is delayed.
    —-Do not buy new spandex work out clothes! Wear what is comfy for you, spend the money on something more important.
    —-Do not plan your time before you go, you will find surprises and other things to do you were no aware of: Lecture at Canyon Ranch? Walk into town in Ixtapan de la Sal? Special service like acupuncture at Ixtapan Spa?…

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