• Happy Holidays to All Our Friends

    And here is what we wish for all women who travel: memories to broaden our hearts and minds, friends to share them, health to keep us on the road, families that support our wanderlust and a world full of safe and peaceful surprises for 2015 and beyond.

    Happy Holidays and Thank You All Facebook Pals and Fellow Travelers for another wonderful year.

    We are off to Cuba, France, Easter Island and South Africa shortly….join us and make a difference.…

  • European Trips: Make the Second Visit Specal

    European Trips: Make the Second Visit Specal



    Many of The Women’s Travel Group members have traveled extensively in Europe. This year we  offer specialized trips, connecting you with new experiences. Our joint trip with one woman’s organization to The South of France based in Nice March 2015 is an example. This trip is based in Nice, and visits artists’ homes, one of the major modern art museums in the world and still includes Monaco, San Remo Italy for shopping at the low euro, and the famous hill top villages of St.…

  • Free Luggage Repair

    Just as you think you know it all, a neighbor lets you in on a secret. Many of us are users of Longchamps light and fashionable purses, backpacks and luggage. They come in many colors and shapes. Not a cheap purchase so be aware of that.

    However they have one small problem. With continued use, the tips at the bottom corners can wear away. My neighbor shared with me that Longchamps will repair these tips at NO cost. Caveat: I have not tried to get mine repaired, but this neighbor has.…

  • Gluten Free Diets Overseas

    Gluten Free Diets Overseas













    What country comes to mind regarding major gluten ingestion? Italy of course. Our group of 21 just returned from a thrilling trip around Sicily. Sicily touring in December is off season but our temperatures were mainly 55-70 during the day and only one day of intermittent rain. There were no other tourists which you can see from this photo of the Greco-Roman temple at Segresta, Sicily.

    Several of the women, including our guide, Virginia, were gluten intolerant.…

  • On Line Reviews: How to Tell if Fake?

    The Women’s Travel Group takes on line review seriously. We encourage you to check all our hotels on sites like TripAdvisor.com However a tiny percentage are clearly faked.

    Here are the ways to tell if an on line review is fake:
    Review posted by someone who has no other reviews.
    Fake reviews use more superlatives in descriptions.
    The word ‘I’ is used more than ‘we’.
    Fake hotel reviews do not describe the rooms or the spacial information about the hotel.

    Reviews about expensive hotels are longer than those about cheap hotels.…

  • Losing your Luggage

    Losing your Luggage











    Yes it finally happened to me and to two other women on our India trip when British Airways had a computer meltdown. The lost luggage stages go like this and with a happy ending:

    +++++Adrenolin rush to get the lost luggage claim and papers filled out correctly while navigating 250 others in the same situation. Don’t forget to take a photo or your luggage tag and any paperwork with your phone.

    +++++Exhaustion follow up: once out of the airport with nothing to your name but a carry on ( this was the one time I did not bring a change of clothes in carry on!!!).…

  • The 3-1-1 Rule for Liquids you don't drink on planes

    The 3-1-1 Rule for Liquids you don't drink on planes
















    The photo above is The Ganges at Sunrise, on our India trip October 2014, don’t drink this water…

    From our Travel Insurer:

    With the rules of airport travel changing frequently, it can sometimes get tricky knowing what is and isn’t allowed in your bags. The United States Transportation Security AdministrationTSA) implements air-travel regulations tofollow. To ensure safety, the TSA has placed strict rules on the volume and type of liquids allowed on an airplane.…

  • Age versus Travel?

    Age versus Travel?



    There is one word for this correlation: irrelevant.

    Just back from our India trip with 22 women, all ages.  So who did the best? Not the youngest and not the oldest, but the ones with adequate fitness, a sense of adventure and  the right pace. Don’t let your friends say you are too old to enjoy travel!

    A few mini rules:

    Don’t overload your carry on weight or risk back pain.

    Find the perfect walking shoes and wear them no matter how ugly.…

  • What is the best first solo trip?

    Let’s face it, many readers of our blog and Facebook page do not actually travel solo, but are dreaming of doing it. Here is what we think is the best first trip and some guidelines to adapt to your mind set.

    A single stay trip might be less work than a multi city tour. Our March 21-29 Tuscany luxury farmhouse trip is an example of an easy adjustment: staying in a beautiful farmhouse,with wifi, free laundry, snacks and drinks in the kitchen etc.…

  • Nervous Nellies Read Here

    A personal note from Phyllis Stoller.  “My father started life as a traveling salesman. He started a business and worked a 24/7 schedule, before that was the thing to do.   Of course, that meant rarely going on vacation and never taking trips. Well, he did play golf all the time. My mother outlived him by 15 years in good health and with financial security, thanks to Dad’s constant work schedule.

    Here is what she told me in her very short list of life’s regrets: I wish I had traveled.…

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