• Back from our Tuscany Cooking Week

    Back from our Tuscany Cooking Week










    Starving post trip, for the pounds were all worth it. Here we are with home made pasta that we kneaded, cooked and ate happily. Some notes on the trip and other small group trips with The Women’s Travel Group:

    There will always be someone to pal with, oddly our group tends to be similar from trip to trip. We are women who love to travel and will not wait for friends. We are sometimes celebrating retirement from work or from other ‘lifetime’ stuff.…

  • Use GGIIMMPP in your hotel room

    Travel tips from The Women’s Travel Group:

    Numero uno is the adapter you left in the bathroom wall. You took the phone but left the adaptor. Numero 2 is your washcloth. You packed it, because most non Americans do not use washclothes. Now it is left hanging in the shower.

    Then your pajamas, not totally your fault but if you leave your night clothes on an unmade bed. they can disappear into the laundry.

    You forgot the amenities for a ‘rainy day’, as you were waiting to see if you could cram more into your suitcase.…

  • Ten New Trends for Women Travelers

    An excellent article about us women travelers with a long interview with Phyllis Stoller, founder of The Women’s Travel Group…

  • 5 Airplane Don'ts for Women

    We love lists, and here is one for those of you embarking this week on our two tours: Italy and France.

    Five absolute NO’s.

    Do NOT get on the plane before you put your passport back into its  safe place.

    Do NOT leave possessions unlocked, either in overhead bins, or on your person. Remember you might fall asleep with your money belt or purse exposed. Bring extra TSA locks; they are easy to lose.

    Do NOT create a seat cushion out of a dark sweater or dark coat.…

  • 2 Worst Moments on a Trip

    What do you think are the two worst moments on your trip? Here is our experience at The Women’s Travel Group:
    First and Earliest: The luggage carrousel comes around for the last time and your stuff is not on it. 99.99% of all suitcases are delivered within 2 days. Even when BA’s computer crashed and all Heathrow bags were waylaid, our group in India had suitcases within 48 hours. A total loss is an extreme rarity. Today’s news is new suitcases with tracking devices embedded.…

  • Italy in the Spring: NYTimes 36 Hours in Rome

    Italy in the Spring: NYTimes 36 Hours in Rome


    This is the 2014 Tuscany Cooking Group, soon off again to Pisa for our week of fun. Stay tuned for next year’s date.

    Many of The Women’s Travel Group trips are arranged so solo women can easily connect with the group if not flying with a friend or one of us. March 8 produced another terrific article about Rome where we start our Sweep Through Italy trip April 29-May 10 2015.

    Yes, some women will arrive in Rome a day or two before the group, so here goes some of the newer Rome sights: MAXXI by Zaha Hadid, where the building even moves as you do, slanted floors and art made from lights/string/google users and more.…

  • Women's Tour or Women's Travel Club?

    Women's Tour or Women's Travel Club?

    phyllistempleWhat is the difference between The Women’s Travel Group and its former incarnation as The Women’s Travel Club?  Obviously no dues. What differentiates The Women’s Travel Group from a basic tour company is fivefold:

    We update all the time (Louis Vuitton Foundation Museum is in our Paris Christmas trip)
    We are not afraid to examine history: (Ireland and Northern Ireland in July).
    We like to question speakers: (India November, why not pose the question of rape in India?).…

  • 1 in 4 Women Take Psychiatric Drugs

    1 in 4 Women Take Psychiatric Drugs



    This photo is from our Ethiopia trip; next trip Jan. 2016


    According to the NY Times Week in Review Section, 1 in 4 American women take drugs for psychiatric problems. Does that mean a quarter of us are nuts? Will newcomers find women at The Women’s Travel Group intolerably neurotic? History with hundreds of terrific travelers says yes/no/maybe?

    Most women worry about travel the night before they leave.

    Most women angst about packing, travel wardrobe a way of saying: will I fit in?

  • Indispensable Travel Words

    French is not the easiest of languages. On our S. France trip, combined with a smile, you may find some of these phrases helpful.

    Although most of  The Women’s Travel Group days are pre-planned you might venture around lovely Nice for some shopping time or to see more of its fascinating streets. Coming solo or with a friend, a little wandering is definitely worth the effort.

    Ahead of time, make a list in your phone of phrases you might need.…

  • Solo Travel Scares

    Solo Travel Scares

















    Ixtapan Spa, part of our Feb. 8 group. Single supplement for a whole week is only $170…

    Who isn’t at least a bit nervous when solo traveling? Even vets like myself from The Women’s Travel Group are more on edge when alone. You have to be watch your valuables, scan streets and be responsible for your movements. Compound this with the fact that women are statistically poor sleepers, worse in hotels than at home.…

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