• Worst Weekend Getaway Mistakes

    Worst Weekend Getaway Mistakes



    Dinner in Africa


    Memorial Weekend is here, and lucky women get to go away. Every year we tend to make the same prep mistakes. Some cost money and some just aggravation. Here are some tips from The Women’s Travel Group.

    We take an entire inventory of plastic ccards, even those we do not need at all ie local museum or Big Box store memberships.

    Then if we have a problem, we forget to bring the fraud number of each card and cannot cancel them promptly.…

  • 2 Worst Moments on a Trip

    What do you think are the two worst moments on your trip? Here is our experience at The Women’s Travel Group:
    First and Earliest: The luggage carrousel comes around for the last time and your stuff is not on it. 99.99% of all suitcases are delivered within 2 days. Even when BA’s computer crashed and all Heathrow bags were waylaid, our group in India had suitcases within 48 hours. A total loss is an extreme rarity. Today’s news is new suitcases with tracking devices embedded.…

  • 1 in 4 Women Take Psychiatric Drugs

    1 in 4 Women Take Psychiatric Drugs



    This photo is from our Ethiopia trip; next trip Jan. 2016


    According to the NY Times Week in Review Section, 1 in 4 American women take drugs for psychiatric problems. Does that mean a quarter of us are nuts? Will newcomers find women at The Women’s Travel Group intolerably neurotic? History with hundreds of terrific travelers says yes/no/maybe?

    Most women worry about travel the night before they leave.

    Most women angst about packing, travel wardrobe a way of saying: will I fit in?

  • Indispensable Travel Words

    French is not the easiest of languages. On our S. France trip, combined with a smile, you may find some of these phrases helpful.

    Although most of  The Women’s Travel Group days are pre-planned you might venture around lovely Nice for some shopping time or to see more of its fascinating streets. Coming solo or with a friend, a little wandering is definitely worth the effort.

    Ahead of time, make a list in your phone of phrases you might need.…

  • Solo Travel Scares

    Solo Travel Scares

















    Ixtapan Spa, part of our Feb. 8 group. Single supplement for a whole week is only $170…

    Who isn’t at least a bit nervous when solo traveling? Even vets like myself from The Women’s Travel Group are more on edge when alone. You have to be watch your valuables, scan streets and be responsible for your movements. Compound this with the fact that women are statistically poor sleepers, worse in hotels than at home.…

  • Snowed in

    Well not exactly, but we thought we would be while listening to the news.If you were a solo traveler yesterday, you would have been nervous and thinking about cancelling your wonderful trip,right?

    What do you do when you are abruptly cancelled from a trip departure? First have a list of all your reservations from the taxi, to pre-tour rooms, aiport lounges through the trip. Then speak with your tour operator and make sure they know you have an issue and ask for their imput.…

  • Changing Money Overseas

    The Euro is at a low (that is since it was created). But when you as a tourist try to change money it is not 1.15 but 1.40! What are the best ways to change money if you go to France with us end March?

    The more you change the better the rate as a service charge amortizes better. Most of us do not carry enough cash to make a difference this way.

    Change Bureaux in town are generally better than banks or airport venues.…

  • Tours: A Pace or Race

    Will you feel rushed or will you feel bored on your next trip? How often can you stay behind for a day off? What happens if you cannot do all of the walking? When you join a group tour, you are also agreeing to a pace which might not be of your choosing.

    Here are a few ways to figure out if the trip is too fast or too leisurely for you. First of all ask the operator: we at The Women’s Travel Group want you to know all details up front and we encourage questions.…

  • Global Entry: Jump the Queue

    Global Entry: Jump the Queue






    Resting for a minute in a Roman theater in Taormina, Sicily.


    There were huge crowds at a local airport which propelled me finally to get Global Entry, the $100 a year queue jump security system for airports here. If you think you might be traveling this year and have that spare $100, go for it. Global Entry allows you to stroll up to a computer terminal, apply your information ( finger prints or whatever) and walk through immigration.…

  • Dont let the tail wag your ff dog

    Women tell us they want to use their ff miles before they decide on a trip. Here are a few ways to use miles without making yourself crazy. Don’t let you ff miles dictate where you go.

    Try using them for upgrades, that is obvious

    Try using them for only part of your trip. If going to Europe, try for a European gateway with a big airport, then buy your internal European ticket separately. You save a bit of $$ that way and at least get the trans-Atlantic part paid by your miles.…

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