• Travel Brochure Turn Off’s for Women

    We love them but we hate them. Travel brochure photos tell a story about who is welcomed on the trip and who is not. A look at many brochure photos says this to women:

    Don’t come alone. Dining photos show either couples, families or groupings of people who seem to know each other: toasting together or looking familiarly at one another. You don’t ever see a captain’s table with an empty seat not yet taken? In fact, you don’t see travelers shaking hands and meeting each other either.…

  • Never Lose these 5 Critical Travel Items

    Never Lose these 5 Critical Travel Items

    Warning from The Women’s Travel Group.

    Your medical prescriptions in generic form. Only generic can be read overseas.

    Your ticket number, the long string of numbers somewhere on your reservation. To change flights,be moved to another airline or retrieve ff points, you must have this number.

    Your 24/7 contact text or phone number for your tour operator. They will deal with your issue number faster than by email. 

    iphone charger

    A phone charger, recharging on the plane; some plane outlets need the larger charger.…

  • Winter Sun Without Sunburn

    Winter Sun Without Getting Burned

    Many of us avoid beach holidays but by March, we yearn for sun and warmth. March is the horrible month for women in the North and Mid Atlantic; so we always arrange a few March warm getaways.  In Spring, Sicily and Malta will be ruined by cruise crowds. In Summer, both will be intolerably hot. Go in March with The Women’s Travel Group.

    Here is why you should take our Sicily and Malta Trip: it is linked here.…

  • History is the cook in Sicily

    History is the cook in Sicily

    There is no better food on earth…than you will eat on our Sicily trip March 19-29 2020

    eat on our Sicily trip

    There is no better food on earth…than you will eat on our Sicily trip March 19-29 2020

    The March climate is warmed by mild Mediterranean breezes. Over the centuries Sicilian food was influenced by the Greeks, Spanish, French, Arabs and New World.  In fact, the first cookbook with a known named author was written by a Sicilian cook in 5th century BC.

    Here is what history cooks for our trip to Sicily and Malta

    The Arabs donate apricots, spices, sugar, citrus, saffron and tropical fruits.…

  • Bad Mistakes women make when traveling in a heat wave

    Bad Mistakes women make when traveling in a heat wave

    The Mistakes Women Make in Hot Travel Weather from The Women’s Travel Group, small group tours for women.

    travel tips
    Bushmen art in Africa from one of our Africa trips.

    We want to look good so we don’t pull back our hair.

    We wear off drippy makeup.

    We don the wrong clothes, 100% cotton rather than the newer quick dry, super thin fabrics.

    We don’t drink enough water worrying that we will not find suitable bathroom.

    We eat salty snacks for in-between hunger or because they are given on the plane.…

  • This one should be Your First Overseas Trip

    To take one of the last spots Norway-Denmark-Sweden: here it our trip: CLICK HERE

    To start dreaming: PHYLLISNYCITY@GMAIL.COM

    Norwegian scenery is known as the most beautiful in the world: fjords, waterfalls and the midnight sun. We visit the most gorgeous places in the comfort of our private bus, the famous Flam railway all with our hand-picked escort.

    History and culture: Viking ships, kings and palaces, country estates, Nobel Prizes and Summer festivals. No rushing hotel to hotel during our trip

    Norway Denmark and Sweden are the new gourmet capitals of Europe: fresh fish and lean meats cooked perfectly with flavors deepened by the climate.…

  • Don’t be a Cruiser: Unusual Bucket List for Smart Women

    Don’t be a Cruiser: Unusual Bucket List for Smart Women

    Don’t be a cruiser. Four new destinations for women to visit before the crowds in a large cruise ship, from The Women’s Travel Group. 

    bucket list for women
    We are proud winners of a Magellan Award for outreach to solo women


    Oman you will not see from a large cruise ship
    Source: Oman Tourism

    Colonial Mexico not Beach Mexico, another get-away-from-cruise-crowds. Specifically stay in Oaxaca, the most indigenous colorful craft town in the highlands of Mexico. Oaxaca, once you know how to pronounce it, is the culinary and craft center of Mexico.…

  • Don’t Damage Your Iphone Overseas.

    Don’t Damage Your Iphone Overseas.

    Don’t damage your iphone overseas, next time you travel out of the country. Learn a tiny bit about not damaging your iphone and about electrical current. Overseas electrical current is different from that of the US and Canada. There are interesting historical reasons for the choice of our electrical current delivery. Plug sizes and shapes are also different, and the amount of electricity that enters your devices is different.

    Do not damage Iphones overseas from The Women's Travel Group
    US Iphone plug

    Adaptor vs. Converter  In the old days, women packed hairdryers, irons and coils that heated water for tea.…

  • Travel gifts for yourself while quarantined.

    Travel gifts for yourself while quarantined.

    Travel gifts to buy for yourself while quarantined, or housebound or limited. All are available on line.

    Longchamps carry on bag in a dark but ‘cool’ color. If you buy in a dutyf free shop, you pay a bit less $145 vs $120?. Choose the  style that has handles long enough to put over your shoulder. That style in its smallest incarnation cannot be locked ( a good idea if you sleep on the plane). Best prices are going to be when currencies are low compared to the US: Mexico City for our Mexico trips, any Euro denominated country like France or Italy for our trips there.…

  • What I learned when caught in a dangerous riot

    Yes I was in a dangerous riot along with a member of our group. Here is what happened and what we learned.  We decided to follow pedestrians all walking in one direction. Perhaps there was market? festival? parade? We ended up facing a large square, empty except for a line of men and women. Was this a parade?  We quickly noticed another line moving forward; it was one of armed police. It took a moment to realize there was going to be a confrontation.

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