• Airlines Ready to Bash Us Again

    Airlines Ready to Bash Us Again







    In the last years airline fuel dropped 24% and fuel surcharges have not dropped 1%. So what is going on here?

    Airlines are profiting from keeping surcharges which were as high as $600 round trip NY-London. Airlines now call these ‘international fees’ but they are the same old fuel surcharges. Airlines are  still nickel and dime-ing us on checked baggage, food, lounge access; they are practically weighing us.

    I have flown American on  Business Class to Mexico City from NY many times.…

  • Airlines and Reduced Carry-On Rules

    Airlines and Reduced Carry-On Rules






    Global airlines are moving towards reducing the size of allowed carry- on. That means your 22 inch bag will no longer be in the overhead rack. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) recommends a smaller bag of 21.5 x 13.5 x 7.5 inches. Not all airlines will concur with the new standard, but here are 5 things you should never pack:

    Money, jewelry (even good junk jewelry), electronics, medicine and your printed trip information. Especially if you are traveling solo.…

  • Surprising choices at Canyon Ranch Mass.

    It is sometimes difficult to describe profound personal experiences. Canyon Ranch, the gold star of ultra luxury, has places left for our discount weekend, beginning July 23. This is a the treat we all deserve, but how does one describe it?

    Here are some of the unusual topics discussed at Canyon Ranch:

    Working with your genes:know your heredity assets.

    30 days to a better brain.

    Synching your new Canyon Ranch routine to a Fitbit.

    Reducing sugar craving by eating differently.…

  • 'Scary' Travel & Fun: India Nov 11-22 2015

    'Scary' Travel & Fun: India Nov 11-22 2015











    Some  destinations generate fear along with a pow of thrill.  India seems to be scary, but tempting. Travel articles and photographs are spectacular; news headlines  troubling.  What are the 5 must have’s to make a trip to India not just fascinating, but also a thoughtful and doable vacation? And one where you are coming solo?

    1. A reliable person must meet you at the airport no matter when you arrive, how late your ETA or if you have a cancelled/replacement flight.…

  • You can Go Home Again

    It is true that you cannot go home again. But you can travel again post widowhood, divorce,ex-partner or just reluctant husband. You might not see Paris as ‘a romantic’ or Mexico as ‘beach margaritas’ or India as a ‘shoppers’ delight’. But you will see these places with new colors: Paris as ‘elegant but cosy’; Mexico as ‘artistically modern’; India as ‘insightful and ayurvedic’.

    Traveling the second time around or third if you were a hosteler in the 1960’s-70’s is different, not less wonderful.…

  • Men-Women Stupid Travel Surveys

    Men-Women Stupid Travel Surveys

    The photo is our doorman in India; we just like it but no relevance to this blog post at all.

    doormanWhy spend millions to discover what all of us know already? Here are a few bits from a recent survey comparing men and women travelers:

    We care more about getting to the airport on time and about security. Duh: who did the carpool? And who watched out for safety in the playground?

    We wanted improvements to bathrooms; men wanted quieter cabins.…

  • The perfect  travel group size?

    The perfect travel group size?







    Italy always 8-9 to fit into our farmouse.




    We are often asked How Large are Your Groups? It is hard to answer when our groups range from 6-21 and often fall in the middle of those numbers. But here are a few comments about group size we have tracked for 23 years.

    21 has to be the max. Why? We have found that with 21 women in a group, everyone makes 2-5 new friends and everyone has a meaningful conversation with everyone else during the trip.…

  • Who we are: The Women's Travel Group

    Who we are: The Women's Travel Group

    women's travel groups SaltlakeSome of our Facebook friends have not been ‘properly’ introduced to The Women’s Travel Group. Well here goes: Phyllis Stoller founded the Women’s Travel Club in 1992 because she had 5 weeks vacation and her husband had 2. She had been a corporate banker with the time and $ to use the vacation but could not find friends to share it.

    The original Club took off amazingly fast, first with local women who felt the same way but had no way to meet each other.…

  • Happy Holidays from The Women's Travel Group

    Happy Holidays from The Women's Travel Group


    One of the best aspects of our group is its multi-cultural one. On The Women’s Travel Group trips, we get to meet women from different backgrounds, and different geographic areas. We have even had some women from further afield. You might enjoy hearing about some of the women I have had the privilege of traveling with recently:they are every background, every ethnic group, every age:

    Names changed to protect the ‘innocent’.

    xx from Florida turned 80+ in Delhi last year! What a gal.…

  • Women Traveling in History

    Women Traveling in History.


    This is a fun article written by Phyllis Stoller of www.thewomenstravelgroup.com about women travelers of history and us today. Are we so different? I think not!


    Happy Holidays to all our wonderful travelers. See you in Turkey? or Chile? or India?…

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