• Changing Money Overseas

    The Euro is at a low (that is since it was created). But when you as a tourist try to change money it is not 1.15 but 1.40! What are the best ways to change money if you go to France with us end March?

    The more you change the better the rate as a service charge amortizes better. Most of us do not carry enough cash to make a difference this way.

    Change Bureaux in town are generally better than banks or airport venues.…

  • Global Entry: Jump the Queue

    Global Entry: Jump the Queue






    Resting for a minute in a Roman theater in Taormina, Sicily.


    There were huge crowds at a local airport which propelled me finally to get Global Entry, the $100 a year queue jump security system for airports here. If you think you might be traveling this year and have that spare $100, go for it. Global Entry allows you to stroll up to a computer terminal, apply your information ( finger prints or whatever) and walk through immigration.…

  • What Not to Do on a Plane

    Five don’t for long distance travelers:
    1-Don’t brush your teeth in the bathroom on planes,nasty water dirty area.
    2-Don’t take a sleeping pill. You will still be jet lagged and sleeping through a long flight creates  a risk for dehydration and worse: clots.
    3-Don’t leave valuables unattended even if you have them on your person-rest on them like the Princess and the Pea.
    4-Do not treat yourself to the salted snacks or that second glass of wine.
    5-Do not let others bother you; it is better to ask neighbors to lower music or windows or conversation than to suffer for hours.…

  • TSA Troubles with Women

    Yes a 53 year old man in San Francisco Airport’s security area was a fake TSA staff member. He dressed like a TSA employee but had not emblem or official badge. However, he managed to take two female passengers into a private room for a search. He was caught because a female TSA officer remembered that only women can search women in private areas.

    So what is the lesson to learn here? If unsure of someone’s official capacity, first look for writing on their uniform or badge.…

  • What is a non Plastic Visa?

    Since we had this question from some women going to India with us in October,:here is a primer on visas.

    To enter foreign countries, (or for non citizens to enter the US), travelers need a visa. If you look at your passport, you will see pages called Visa Pages. For many countries, US Citizens only need to have their passports stamped when they arrive overseas-that stamp is a visa.For Morocco for Thanksgiving, US citizens get their visa stamp on arrival easily.…

  • New TSA Rules Need Close Attention

    The TSA has announced that they are now requiring all electronic devices be opened at security. Phones, tablets, computers, kindles….. This means some time delay and it requires that your devices have a live battery. Cameras are not mentioned in the list, but beware if they are battery operated.

    If you are on a long trip, you will need to re-juice your devices before you go through security, as it is possible that security overseas will match our new regulations. And when you board your direct flights to the US from overseas say like Catania from our Sicily trip, TSA regulations will apply.…

  • Travel Innoculations: Why bother?

    When you go to a travel medicine doctor, your wallet will be shocked at the cost. But what is smart and what is excess? We, non-medical people, are usually scared into getting every shot possible, but first, be aware of the following:

    Inoculations should be based on the climate of your destination: dry season does not require some shots which are critical in the wet season.

    Exactly where you are going versus large swathes of the country. For instance, India where our group is going in October: this is a huge country and what is needed for Delhi is not the same for the Himalayan plateau or the agrarian south.…

  • Trouble in Africa: Kenya Tourists Evacuated

    For some time now, Kenya has been experiencing an uptick in crime. The UK government today evacuated tourists from the popular beach resort, Mombasa. At The Women’s Travel Group we monitor our destinations carefully and when you look at our list, you will not see Kenya this year. We follow potential areas using several tools:

    US State Dept. website of course is our first go to, but the US is sometimes delayed in updating serious information. An example is the warning on the Ukraine which was updated after days of unrest.…

  • What to do when Your seatmate is Unruly

    Today a SWAir jet had to stop in Omaha to get a crazed passenger off the plane (he tried to open the read hatch). What can you do if someone near you is difficult, odd or actually talking scary? The answer is not really much. My experience was with a man who refused to let me lower my seat back on an 8 hour flight. He was aggressive towards me and then towards the crew.

    The answer is here: first ask crew for help.…

  • Travel Safety Warnings and What to do about Cancelling

    Q: Are Travel Advisories and State Department Warnings Covered?
    This information is from TravelInsured our travel insurance company. The question on their newsletter was: does travel insurance cover you if an area is under a State Dept warning or caution. Do note: we do not go to areas under State Dept warnings. Only once did we cancel a trip for 25 going to Egypt; they were all refunded promptly and well before we were paid.

    Answer from TravelInsured: No, these types of events are not covered under any travel insurance policy unless you purchase the Optional Cancel For Any Reason.…

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