Senior Flyers on Airplanes
Traveling with us on our Festival Celebration India Trip? To Greece with us? OR on our Seine and Paris River Cruise? Or other tours in 2025? Here is how to survive inside and out. After flights, you will feel dried out from your head to your toes. Nails might crack. Hair feels dusty. Your face has difficulty smiling. Arms and legs are tight and dehydrated. These effects are worst for senior women. Why? Planes are usually at 20% humidity vs normal of 50% for most other us.…
Asia too Far for Senior Women?
The Women’s Travel Visits India The Women’s Travel Group shares information to help you to explore some of the most enthralling places on earth: travel to Asia.
1 Tackling, surviving and even enjoying long distance flights. Travelers are anxious before a major trip. Flying to Europe is usually at night; we know we are in for a restless partially sitting up 7-9 hours. We know we will be tired, hungry at the wrong times, awake with the moon.
There are pleasant surprises when you fly N.…
Where in the World is Waldo?
You guess? Below: Louvre Abu Dhabi, Museum of the Future, The Dubai Frame, King Zayed Grand Mosque, Al Bahar Tower and our all women itinerary to Dubai Abu Dhabi and Oman
…Al Bahar Tower, Source: Visitabudhabiwith 2000 eco friendly honey comb features One of the many jewel covered mosques. Source: Visitabudhabi Dubai Frame Source: DubaiFrame And here is how you can find Waldo, a Women’s Travel Group Tour January 2023.
Best Movies for the Woman Traveler. Women’s Travel Group Trips.
Women’s Travel Group in India Travel films from The Women’s Travel Group. So you are stuck at home. The closets are cleaned. Your kitchen is sparkling. Now, what can you do to make your inside time more enjoyable yet keep travel in your mind? This is the first in a series of www.thewomenstravelgroup.com ‘s posts about films shot in gorgeous exciting locales. This one is all about India where we go each November as a group trip while the weather is ideal. …
Why Husbands Don't Travel?
Don’t take it personally, men travel less than women, and men travel to exotic destinations less than women. Statistically, men like to return to places they liked and women prefer new adventures.
So if you decide to join a tour to say, Iran or Mongolia, you will not be the only woman. In fact we find that exotic tours from The Women’s Travel Group fill the fastest. Why is this?
Obviously most of us will not visit these places alone.…
5 Secret Reasons Why I Prefer India?
Everyone has reasons they like to travel.
Everyone has secret reasons also. Here are my secret reasons that I love travel to India. The Women’s Travel Group has 2 rooms left on Colors of India.
On to my secret reasons:shhhh
At home I cannot afford every impulse purchase. In India I can ruffle through gorgeous silk jackets, scarves, textiles, jewelry never feeling out-priced. Some of the swag costs as little as a $dollar like the ten pack sequinned pens I gave friends. …
Do not read newspapers
Returned home today to The New York Times on my doorstep. Having read half of the first section, I decided not to go to Asia, Mexico, Turkey or even to leave my apartment as there was a gas explosion in Manhattan. Then on line, I read the headline about London airport being closed due to fog; yikes.
Why do we allow print and other media to destroy our sense of adventure?
My belief is we are basically a skittish lot and any hint of trouble or misunderstanding is enough to keep us home. …
A non-group with The Women's Travel Group
Sometimes we obtain specials which we like to share with you. Many women come with us for the group dynamics and group dining. But sometimes, women come for the discounted prices we offer at famous spas and fitness hotels. If you are interested in Ixtapan Spa or Canyon Ranch Health Resort, and want the special price but not the groupie business, that is fine with us.
We also offer AMA Waterways, which is valuable as we have blocks on hard to get Burma and Tulip cruises.…
Five Steps to Get Through Delays and Cancellations
Five Steps to Get Through Delays and Cancellations
Some of us do not use travel agents or our agents are not available at the moment of crisis!
1. Immediately call your travel insurer and ask verbal permission to change flights. Often if a flight is cancelled or delayed, they will give you this verbal permission even if the price is high.
2. Know which number is the 24/7 number of your agent or tour company. Often when the glitch happens, we realize we have not jotted down this important number!… -
Tips for Mother-Daughter Travel
When You vacation with your Boomer Mom: It’s Travel in the Slower Lane, or is it?
The Women’s Travel Group has some Mother-Daughter Combos though most of our women travel solo. Here are suggestions for you if you are thinking of asking Mom to join you:
Budget an additional 10% expense to trip for taxis not just for walking but more for luggage weight.
You be the Treasurer and the easy way to do this is to both put money in a ziplock and pay each shared bill from it.…