Travel Tips Blog and Statistics
Traveling if You Have Been Ill
Everyone at this stage has some ailment or body piece that needs fixing. If you love to travel, don’t let your aches and pains take over; the more you baby yourself, the less active you will become. Tips from The Women’s Travel Group for choosing a trip when you ache and for overcoming it all.
Choose as trip from our list of trips on our site ( here is the link: that has fluidity: a transfer to the hotel to the tours to the dinners.…
Your Worst Travel Companion
How will you know if a friend will make a good travel companion? For short periods of time we are all on our good behavior. For a week or two, who knows?
Five red flags to look for:
Always sees the empty glass.
Is opinionated on things they know little about.
Is inflexible.
Uses the word ‘I’ all the time.
Is a great fashionista.
Going in a group with other women, helps dilute your friend out, but why do we even have these five
red flags?…
Airlines Ready to Bash Us Again
In the last years airline fuel dropped 24% and fuel surcharges have not dropped 1%. So what is going on here?
Airlines are profiting from keeping surcharges which were as high as $600 round trip NY-London. Airlines now call these ‘international fees’ but they are the same old fuel surcharges. Airlines are still nickel and dime-ing us on checked baggage, food, lounge access; they are practically weighing us.
I have flown American on Business Class to Mexico City from NY many times.…
Airlines and Reduced Carry-On Rules
Global airlines are moving towards reducing the size of allowed carry- on. That means your 22 inch bag will no longer be in the overhead rack. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) recommends a smaller bag of 21.5 x 13.5 x 7.5 inches. Not all airlines will concur with the new standard, but here are 5 things you should never pack:
Money, jewelry (even good junk jewelry), electronics, medicine and your printed trip information. Especially if you are traveling solo.…
Surprising choices at Canyon Ranch Mass.
It is sometimes difficult to describe profound personal experiences. Canyon Ranch, the gold star of ultra luxury, has places left for our discount weekend, beginning July 23. This is a the treat we all deserve, but how does one describe it?
Here are some of the unusual topics discussed at Canyon Ranch:
Working with your genes:know your heredity assets.
30 days to a better brain.
Synching your new Canyon Ranch routine to a Fitbit.
Reducing sugar craving by eating differently.…
'Scary' Travel & Fun: India Nov 11-22 2015
Some destinations generate fear along with a pow of thrill. India seems to be scary, but tempting. Travel articles and photographs are spectacular; news headlines troubling. What are the 5 must have’s to make a trip to India not just fascinating, but also a thoughtful and doable vacation? And one where you are coming solo?
1. A reliable person must meet you at the airport no matter when you arrive, how late your ETA or if you have a cancelled/replacement flight.…
5 Humiliating Excuses from Non-Traveling Friends
Join our next trip to India, a country that will surprise you. Luxury hotels, amazing sites, and Parveen our wonderful guide will take sublime care of you. Booking NOW
Who isn’t sick and tired of excuses from friends who claim they want to travel but don’t. Who isn’t humiliated asking over and over, and getting the same rejection. It is embarrassing and hurtful to be rebuffed by friends. So to make you all feel better, here is what my own friends use as excuses- and why I like to travel in groups of women:
“I only go Business Class and only with X and X company”.…
You can Go Home Again
It is true that you cannot go home again. But you can travel again post widowhood, divorce,ex-partner or just reluctant husband. You might not see Paris as ‘a romantic’ or Mexico as ‘beach margaritas’ or India as a ‘shoppers’ delight’. But you will see these places with new colors: Paris as ‘elegant but cosy’; Mexico as ‘artistically modern’; India as ‘insightful and ayurvedic’.
Traveling the second time around or third if you were a hosteler in the 1960’s-70’s is different, not less wonderful.…
Worst Weekend Getaway Mistakes
Dinner in Africa
Memorial Weekend is here, and lucky women get to go away. Every year we tend to make the same prep mistakes. Some cost money and some just aggravation. Here are some tips from The Women’s Travel Group.
We take an entire inventory of plastic ccards, even those we do not need at all ie local museum or Big Box store memberships.
Then if we have a problem, we forget to bring the fraud number of each card and cannot cancel them promptly.…
Ten Unusual 'Don't take on Vacation" things
Credit cards for stores. We once had a woman show her Loehmann’s credit card as proof of identity- it worked but leave store/gasoline cards home.
Passwords on a piece of paper. If you must bring passwords, code them first. Take a photo of your list, and hide somewhere in your email account. A photo cannot be hacked.
Good costume jewelry; it might look real enough to get you robbed. And it will probably set off the TSA machinery if you wear it.…