• Top Five Hotel Complaints from Women

    Cool Sicilian Gelato. Join us to Sicily for Christmas Markets, Archaeology, Farm Food and More.

    Joe Sharkey wrote about Hotel Peeves the other day. He mentioned two top hotel complaints: bulky internet or expensive internet service and hard to reach power outlets. Well if you get to women’s complaints.  We agree that paying egregiously for internet is annoying and definitely we are tired of moving furniture to recharge our phones.

    Here is my list as a rep of  The Women’s Travel Group of hotel horrors:

    Dirty floors: many women either stretch or do yoga in the morning.…

  • Regroup on a Group tour?

    Have you ever wanted one quiet night on a busy tour? I have and here is what I do besides wash hair and get into jammies.I buy a light dinner from a nearby supermarket. Towards the front where workers buy their lunch one finds.  cheese and fruit cut up already plus  small bottles of wine- get only a screw top.  Supermarkets overseas are often in basement areas of department stores so you need to ask. “Following other people’s bags” is a good way to identify a store or an open air market.…

  • Packing for Summer Rain

    Summer brings easy packing with light clothes and no coats, but how do you protect yourself again getting wet? And worse than that, from staying wet! A few ideas from The Women’s Travel Group:

    Obvious: bring the tiny umbrellas now on sale. The Container Store has a lot of travel items and a slimline umbrella.

    Next pack a few cheap or hotel shower caps and wear under a scarf or baseball cap. Mantra: never leave athe free shower cap in the hotel bathroom, they have many uses.…

  • Travel Innoculations: Why bother?

    When you go to a travel medicine doctor, your wallet will be shocked at the cost. But what is smart and what is excess? We, non-medical people, are usually scared into getting every shot possible, but first, be aware of the following:

    Inoculations should be based on the climate of your destination: dry season does not require some shots which are critical in the wet season.

    Exactly where you are going versus large swathes of the country. For instance, India where our group is going in October: this is a huge country and what is needed for Delhi is not the same for the Himalayan plateau or the agrarian south.…

  • Tips NOT to be Ugly on the Road

    Most serious travelers pay little attention to how we look when on the road for vacation. We hate overpacking and the associated burden of unpacking once home.  Solo women figure they will never see anyone they know! So here are a few ways not to be UGLY on the road.

    Face and Hands: Bring your night cream and consider using it even before/during day flights. When on long trips, pay the fee to use an airport lounge for a shower/freshen up mid-trip.…

  • What to do when Your seatmate is Unruly

    Today a SWAir jet had to stop in Omaha to get a crazed passenger off the plane (he tried to open the read hatch). What can you do if someone near you is difficult, odd or actually talking scary? The answer is not really much. My experience was with a man who refused to let me lower my seat back on an 8 hour flight. He was aggressive towards me and then towards the crew.

    The answer is here: first ask crew for help.…

  • Travel Medicine: Too Much? Not Enough?

    We are getting questions about what shots and precautions for our upcoming India trip, Oct. 25-Nov 4 and for other trips to more exotic places.  These questions bring up several themes:

    The obvious one for us as tour operators is we are NOT medical advisers and are not equipped professionally to give out medical advice. We can tell you what one of us does for our personal health, but this is not a guideline for yours.

    The second comment is that what you will need depends on what season you are visiting a country.…

  • Do not read newspapers

    Returned home today to The New York Times on my doorstep. Having read half of the first section, I decided not to go to Asia, Mexico, Turkey or even to leave my apartment as there was a gas explosion in Manhattan.  Then on line, I read the headline about London airport being closed due to fog; yikes.

    Why do we allow print and other media to destroy our sense of adventure?

    My belief is we are basically a skittish lot and any hint of trouble or misunderstanding is enough to keep us home. …

  • 'Do Not Eats' on First Day of Trips

    If you do not eat these food items on your first day of an overseas trip, you will feel and look better: the photo here is from our healthy Mexican Party at Ixtapan Spa in February 2014.

    1- Too many salty pretzels or other salty snacks. These can include hidden salt as in dried meats, ham, salamis as on our trip to Sicily.
    2- Too much oil of any kind: hidden in roasted veggies, salads, on bread or drizzled on other dishes as hummus or on steak in our Argentina trip.…

  • Is your Guide Book Author Honest?

    Before you buy a guidebook for your next trip, consider the author / authors!

    Who wrote it? Man or woman? US or non US? How old is the author? Where do they live?

    —Women will be more conscious of our needs and might include more informal information about lifestyles and markets.

    —If a different generation than you, are you happy with their choices of must see’s and must eats? (exception Lets Go Guides from Harvard, written by juniors and seniors but full of deals and interesting sidelights).…

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