How to Choose a Room Mate for a Tour
Some rules for assuring your friend is also a good roomie for a tour:
1. Both of you need to be honest about your personal habits.
2. Agree on a budget for extras like wine.
3. Agree not to talk all the time, down time saves a friendship
4. Each compromise on something they do not want to do.
5. Bring same number and size of suitcases to divide room space well.
6. If you are not of the same fitness, discuss how you will handle that up front.… -
Your 50th Birthday Gift: the right trip
are suggestions for the right trip for a 50 birthday:- I had mine on a plane flying towards Hong Kong. Talk to us here.
Here are suggestions for the right trip for a 50 birthday:
For your sense of confidence, take a trip that has a little sizzle: a boat on the Ganges? an elephant ride in Northern Thailand? a walk through a Dowery Market in Pushkar? a visit to a poignant museum about apartheid?
For introspection: travel solo but in a group.…
Digestion on Airplanes?
Though we do not mention it, most of us get indigestion on long flights. On our trips, we serve balanced and delicious food but on the plane, it is every woman for herself.
Counter indigestion with:
–eat before the flight not on it.
–drink lots of water, even ask the attendants to fill up a water bottle so you have it at hand. Too bad for the people who have to move when you need the facilities.
–bring goodies with you: dried fruit, nuts, even quickie oatmeal or cereal ( they always have milk on board).… -
Our group is different from Other Women's Tours
The Women’s Travel Group believes that a smart investment in travel should not include: tourist shopping, too much free time, or itineraries which are short to make them look cheaper.
Tour Time Wasting Shopping: why would you waste time going to a diamond store or a carpet emporium when you are paying $hundreds to see a new country? Diamonds can be bought on the internet, and carpets in every department store. Now a fun street market might be valuable for the ambiance and photo ops.…
Electronic Travel Tips for Technical Dummies
Travel Tips for the Electronic Age from The Women‘s Travel Group
Smart phones, tablets and Kindles accompany us on travel these days. Even the least technical of women carry at least one of these items. www.thewomenstravelgroup.com shares new tips with you.
1. If you use a lot of electronic items, bring a power strip. This will enable you to safely plug in extra items. This must be packed, not carried on.
2. Keep your Kindle or Tablet wrapped when traveling in dusty areas. -
Back from Ethiopia with WTGroup
Each year we offer one super adventurous trip for both our women and a few men. This year it was Ethi opia. Attached are some of the photos of the tribal South near the Sudanese border. The trip was totally safe, Ethiopia is a Christian and Tribal country with an excellent airline, clean simple lodging, lots of spaghetti. Wildlife, tribes, mountains, early churches, Jewish history. Its a wow.
Airline Taxes and More
Today Joe Sharkey of The Times discusses the rise in airline taxes. He mentions the cost of jet fuel, almost 50% up since January 2010. Another contributor is the lower dollar: as the dollar drops, taxes in foreign currencies rise. For instance, lets assume that your ticket to London includes a British airport security or construction tax in Pounds. If the dollar falls, and the Pound rises, your taxes will rise and so will the cost of your all in ticket.…
5 Best Clothing Items for Layering: our Argentina trip will take in 2 climates.
Since many trips take in more than one climate, here are a few tips for layering when the need arises.
1. Good tights, not cotton but get a mix of rayon and lycra.
2. Long sleeved silk or nylon body-hugging shirt.
3. North Face or other puffy jacket with pockets inside and out. I prefer black.
4. Cheap scarf: $5 on a Manhattan street corner!
5. One pair of pants a size too large so you can fit the tights underneath them.… -
Carnival Cruise Apology
When your trip goes awry like it did with Carnival’s cruise, you lose more than money. You lose your allotted vacation time for this year. Admittedly I have no marine experience, but here are the things I would have been wondering had I been a passenger:
The map shows they were nearer Cozumel than Mobile. And the drift was away from Mobile and towards Cozumel. Could Carnival have dug deeply into financial pockets and leased 15 planes at 200+ passengers each, flown them out of Cozumel and cut 2 days off this miserable experience?…
Wake Up at Midnight and Forgot to Buy Insurance
You can buy our insurance 24/7 with the link we provided. If you do need to call the company for more info, you need to wait for office hours at Travel Guard. But for those sleepless nights: here it is again.
Just click here and off you go.A few more facts: you can buy insurance in installments, say you decide to upgrade your flight, just call Travel Guard, quote our reference: 33585786 (ECPS Consulting, our formal name). and increase your coverage.…