Hotel check in, packing/unpacking, foreign bathrooms and signs? Love to travel but want to avoid the double whammy of jet lag and touring? River cruises are your answer. Did you drool over Parisian scenes during the July Olympics? Join our group and enjoy stress free travel to Paris and Normandy from our special solo river cruise. Toss in Norman countryside, shore line villages and ‘voila’ you have a French experience.…
Some European cities are magical. From high up they are fantastical. I hate heights, but panoramas tell a story like no other. Watching the Paris Olympics made me reconsider climbing or riding to heights to catch the best views. From the air, wow’s are wow er.
In Paris you can climb up to the basilica of Sacre Coeur for views from the highest natural point on a hill. You can climb the Arc de Triomphe for a panorama of the ladder like boulevards.…
Here are some of the most engaging street markets in Paris; we walk by some on our trip. Some are food with mountains of cheeses and breads, some are herbal with soaps and personal products, some sell objects and antiques. We only listed those which are easy to locate during our November Paris week. Look down each street and alley, you will find others.
That is a smart thought. Before an Olympic, cities have to pass a tight audit well in advance of their dates. The audit covers their ability to host a major event: infrastructure, transportation, hotels, security, and such.
All images Sources: Paris Tourism and VisitParis
The benefits of hosting the games are huge: employment and a gigantic boost in tourism. The city builds new arenas and cleans up older ones.Most…
My 10 personal Parisian Surprises for 2022. I am just back from Europe, finalizing our May Paris and London trips. They will both be fantastic. Paris because I know it so well and London because it was my home for years. Here are a few fun tips for when you join us to Paris May 6. The next post will be about London whre
Museums are oases: free wifi, clean bathrooms, lounge areas, shops and often budget eating. …
Do we all fit the image of ‘happy family with turkey and gifts under the tree”? Or are you with no family, and friends who invite you because you make a great cake? You are not an oddball; we hear this all the time.
No matter what your religion, going away for Christmas removes you from the intensity, memories, and obligations of the season. Leaving home and family, if you have any, means more than ‘taking a trip’. It is a form of refreshing independence. …
The Women’s Travel Groupoffers some trips during winter, like Paris for The Holidays Dec 21-28. Although we visit the world capital of fashion, there is no reason to ‘dress up’ for the trip. Just be comfortable. Here is our suggested wardrobe for European cities in winter. And for winter river cruises like New Year’s on The Rhinewith us. From top to bottom, here is what works:
Winter coat, gloves and if you get cold easily, wear a down jacket under your coat.…
The Women’s Travel Group city trips are also for 2nd time visitors; we always include trending places. Join us on one of the few remaining places by sending in a booking form. Info below.
When you join us inParis for the Holidays Dec 21-28, Christmas markets will be ending. However, there are street markets all year. If you wander past an organic market, scour it for herbal perfume and soap- delicate flavors of times past. Blvd Raspail has a Sunday market worth a few minutes. …
So you are going to Paris with us for Christmas Season, and you are going solo. For those of you on the sidelines: Dec 21 depart or leave earlier as some women are doing, and return Dec 28. If you leave earlier, we book you into our centrally located hotel and put you in touch with the other early birds. Come alone, shares are guaranteed. Limited Space Left.
How about treating yourself with some cheap and cheerful gifts
Here are five goodies to bring home, no matter how slim your budget.…