Is Godzilla Your Travel Mate?
Many women want to save money by sharing a room on a Women’s Travel Group tour. However, they fear the imagined consequences. Here are some situations and how women solved them:
A woman talked non stop. Her share elegantly said: I am a very quiet person and I live alone in a very quiet apartment. She got the idea and stopped.
Another lady hogged the bathroom counter. Just move the stuff and create a fair division. Duh.
One of my shares broke her foot and needed constant help. …
Airport Dangers and Preventatives
So we are ready for that fantastic trip. We called our bank to say we would be overseas, rechecked all our passwords and hid them somewhere, stopped the paper, rechecked tickets and passports for the nth time. What now can possibly go wrong?
The most common mistakes are so easy to make!
You don’t separate out the small change you will need for a taxi or airport food. Then you pull out a wad from your money belt, and drop some of it.…
Worst Airport Behavior
This past week I was in Atlanta. Totally surprised at how terrific a city Atlanta has become by the way. Amazing food (JCT was one restaurant we loved), even more amazing the skyline with new artsy districts. At the airport returning home, here is what happened:
There were few empty seats, no room to plug in a phone. 3 seats held backpacks and plastic bags of bakery items, but were otherwise unoccupied for 30+ minutes. One seat was next to the power outlet.…
5 Secret Reasons Why I Prefer India?
Everyone has reasons they like to travel.
Everyone has secret reasons also. Here are my secret reasons that I love travel to India. The Women’s Travel Group has 2 rooms left on Colors of India.
On to my secret reasons:shhhh
At home I cannot afford every impulse purchase. In India I can ruffle through gorgeous silk jackets, scarves, textiles, jewelry never feeling out-priced. Some of the swag costs as little as a $dollar like the ten pack sequinned pens I gave friends. …
China?Vietnam? South Africa? Colombia? Cuba? Iran?
The scene in Havana this morning was deeply poignant for us who remember Castro at the UN, then Castro reviled. If you were old enough, you also remember practicing at school for a nuclear attack, crouching under school desks. In NY we wore dog tags with our name, address, age and religion like combattants in war.
If you are of a certain age, you will remember when Vietnam was our enemy, China, a mysterious megalith, South Africa hateful, Colombia dangerous, and Cuba inhumane.…
Hesitation-landia For women who stay at home
Again yesterday we spoke with a traveler who repeated: my friends cannot make up their minds or they are dead. Why is it that women are indecisive while still wanting travel?
We believe it is because we are used to our nests; flying out is scary. Travel like fitness is a learned skill; the more you do it, the easier it is. If you have not traveled in 5 years, here is a practice set for you:
Stop reading headlines. Get informed and look at US, Canadian, UK and Australian government announcements.…
Single Hotel Room Problems for Women
The big issue with single rooms on tours is the cost. European hotel charge by the room not by the person,making one in a room double price. Some solo women on The Women’s Travel Group trips complain about costs which hotels impose on us. We try to help solo travelers by arranging shares. On India we guarantee them by the way: Nov 11-22 still taking reservations.
Sharing a room can be comfortable. The biggest worry is female idea that we are ‘hostesses’ and need to be chatty when we want quiet time in the room. …
Christmas in Paris– Words for "Sale" from The Women's Travel Group
We are generally not a shopping group but sales/soldes can turn even the most reluctant heads. As we will be in Paris over Christmas and post Christmas, those coming will enjoy the sales. European stores are different from ours: they only have sales twice a year. So when you see these words in French, go for it. Here is the link again for the trip, or ask us to mail you the information:
Soldes (Sales)
Prix Reduit (Price reduced)
Reduction (Reduced)
Super Soldes and Soldes Massifs (Hugh sales)
Destockage (Getting rid of all merchandise)
If you wish to save more money, ask about discount cards for tourists; first ask your hotel, then find the Welcome Desk at the larger department stores.…
Last Chance: $200 Savings on India Nov. '15
$200 in India is a huge savings if you combo it with a guaranteed room share on the perfect trip. We found that women want a higher level of accommodation than some other tours offer and fine tuning on a daily basis. Why?
We are not kids anymore and understand that comfort at night is key to enjoyment during the day.
—Yes, we want top notch bathrooms.
—We need large rooms for our stuff and eye sight, and —Why not have a comfy reading chair and extra lighting?… -
Your Worst Travel Companion
How will you know if a friend will make a good travel companion? For short periods of time we are all on our good behavior. For a week or two, who knows?
Five red flags to look for:
Always sees the empty glass.
Is opinionated on things they know little about.
Is inflexible.
Uses the word ‘I’ all the time.
Is a great fashionista.
Going in a group with other women, helps dilute your friend out, but why do we even have these five
red flags?…