• Why Hotel Rooms Frighten Women

    Why Hotel Rooms Frighten Women






    On a first solo trip many of us are scared in the hotel room. The Women’s Travel Group (www.thewomenstravelgroup.com) hears that from its members.  We might be veteran travelers, but we are not veteran single occupiers. Can we order room service and calmly open the door? Is the lock working? Who in the hotel knows we are alone? What if we get sick?  If the alarm clock malfunctions? If we fall in the shower?…

  • China?Vietnam? South Africa? Colombia? Cuba? Iran?

    The scene in Havana this morning was deeply poignant for us who remember Castro at the UN, then Castro reviled. If you were old enough, you also remember practicing at school for a nuclear attack, crouching under school desks. In NY we wore dog tags with our name, address, age and religion like combattants in war.

    If you are of a certain age, you will remember when Vietnam was our enemy, China, a mysterious megalith, South Africa hateful, Colombia  dangerous, and Cuba inhumane.…

  • Losing Weight in Paris

    Euros stay low please

    Why is it that the French are thinner than Americans, but enjoy wine, cheese, butter, bread? (In case you did not know, I was was a Vice President at a major French bank for 2 years and on many occasions ate with my colleagues. Yes they also dieted, but they eat differently from us).

    If you plan to join us to Paris for The Holidays, here is why you will return home thinner and not hungry:

    French food is richer making a smaller portion satisfying.…

  • Christmas in Paris– Words for "Sale" from The Women's Travel Group

    We are generally not a shopping group but sales/soldes can turn even the most reluctant heads.  As we will be in Paris over Christmas and post Christmas, those coming will enjoy the sales. European stores are different from ours: they only have sales twice a year.  So when you see these words in French, go for it. Here is the link again for the trip, or ask us to mail you the information:

    Soldes (Sales)

    Prix Reduit (Price reduced)

    Reduction (Reduced)

    Super Soldes and Soldes Massifs (Hugh sales)

    Destockage (Getting rid of all merchandise)

    If you wish to save more money, ask about discount cards for tourists; first ask your hotel, then find the Welcome Desk at the larger department stores.…

  • Jet lag and benefits for The Women's Travel Group

    Jet lag and benefits for The Women's Travel Group

    Getting up at 4 each morning after our wonderful Sicily trip has its advantages. Between 4-11 you get every chore done with no interruptions. Better yet, you can converse with new travel friends on email as the rest of the group is probably up also!

    Don’t fight it, it usually takes an hour a day to evaporate. Taking sleeping pills and/or Melatonin might seem to help but the real segue is lots of water, and just go to sleep at 8/9 get your mighty 8 hours and get up when you have to.…

  • Airport Neurosis: Female Fears

    Airport Neurosis: Female Fears









    We at The Women’s Travel Group are all familiar with pre-flight anxiety. Not everyone experiences it the same way. For men, the most pressing issue is whether the flight will depart on schedule. For women, the worry is getting to the airport on time—according to a new study. Women are also more nervous about airport security and seat selection.

    I get the security thing with our bling and fashionable shoes setting off the sensors.…

  • Foreign Travel Deals in a NY Backyard

    The other day, a travel group member and I went to the Indian neighborhood of Queens, a NY Borough.  The area is called Jackson Heights.  We took the rapid 7 Subway fastened our seat belts and exited in ‘Little India’. Along the streets of this neighborhood, we found: gorgeous silks, and silk/cotton clothing,  22 carat jewels and objects, and scarves galore. If you are not able to travel with us to far away places, try your own backyard for an ethnic experience.…

  • Family Pressure and Your Travels

    Three months ago, I fell down the stairs in my old house which has steep painted wooden stairs.  Everyone in my family  warned me about wooden stairs and better “concentrated bannister use”. Did I sell the house? Install an elevator? Stop using the second floor? NO. I forced myself to go up and down repeatedly until there was only a frisson of fear left. My family was concerned but I…

  • Solo Scares on Large Cruise Ships

    Today we have choices of all sizes of ships, from riverboats of 100 guests to cruise ships of 1,000’s. What is best for women who are serious travelers? Why should you avoid the temptation of cheap fares on huge ships?

    Large cruise ships need ports for docking. That means you often arrive far from the actual place you wish to see. For example from its port city, Livorno to Florence, the drive is a minimum of 90 minutes each way. You have to get up very early for the tour than when you arrive in Florence, you find yourself surrounded by cruisers blocking the very things you came to experience. …

  • TSA Troubles with Women

    Yes a 53 year old man in San Francisco Airport’s security area was a fake TSA staff member. He dressed like a TSA employee but had not emblem or official badge. However, he managed to take two female passengers into a private room for a search. He was caught because a female TSA officer remembered that only women can search women in private areas.

    So what is the lesson to learn here? If unsure of someone’s official capacity, first look for writing on their uniform or badge.…

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