Upgrade or Chanel?
Is the cost of upgraded airplane tickets worth it? Some thoughts from The Women’s Travel Group.
London of course https://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com In the last few years, travelers have become obsessed with airline status and their seats. This frenzy is, in part, caused by airlines themselves. There is branding / selling status by airlines. Who doesn’t want to be ‘special’ ‘elite’ ‘first in line’, ‘envied’ and ‘fussed over’.
Lets start with the special bit. Anyone who can afford to fly is already special.…
Math 101 for Women Who Travel
There is a Math 101 to learn and share, if you are women who travel. Specific numbers and letters will find a booking, retrieve ff miles, and send you to the right gate at the airport.
The first number is your ticket number! Your reservation is stored by the airline in two ways. The ticket number is a long list of numbers and upper case letters. It will be in smaller font and on your boarding pass and reservation.…
Will you feel like Tiny Tim in your new super-cheap airline seat?
Airlines are beginning to offer new crazy cheap seats: example, American Airlines and British Airways yesterday: round trip New York to London: $485. The big guys are scared of the discounters and are taking action.
So what are we getting for that half priced fare?
The same routes and same schedules, most of the flights for mid March were empty-ish.
You will get your ff miles.Seats with extra leg room might cost you even if you have status on the airline.…
How to Get Better Airplane Seats
This topic is covered everywhere with all kinds of complicated information along with sites promising you will almost sit on the pilot’s lap. How about some simple ways to improve your chances of a better seat from The Women’s Travel Group?
- Join the frequent flier program of the airline you are using, even if you will rarely use it again. You might have to book, then join, the go back to your booking for your seat.
- Know what your PNR is.
Italy: Newest Places for Women
We love Italy: food, sights, stores, history. Shares Guaranteed on this trip to Italy.
Here are some of the reasons to come with us on A Sweep Through Italy April 28 – May 10, 2015
Begin in Rome: easy for airfare, and if you need to come early/late to use an ff ticket, stay at the Rome Airport Hilton connected to the airport with a free shuttle to Rome.
Ancient Rome is hopping, with a low Euro, everything is a bargain.…
Flight Deals within Europe
Most Americans try to use their ff miles to/from Europe and fail. Here is another way to use them: fly to a less popular European gateway and buy an intra-Europe ticket.
Example: if you are joining our Tuscany Private Villa trip end March 2015, try to get your transAtlantic ticket into any of the following: London Heathrow,Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Rome, Milan, Geneva, Vienna, Munich keep trying the big airports. Here is a list of the busiest airports in Europe.
Now try the following European discounters for your flight to Pisa(in our example).…
Love your FF miles; hate the rules?
Try insuring them when you use ff miles! If you have to cancel a trip and redeposit your miles, you will need to pay a fee. Last time I paid it was $150 to Delta but that might be higher now.
Our insurance now covers the redeposit cost, any change fee on your flights and more.
Now if your airline changes the flight on you; you usually have the right to get miles back with NO fee. You might have to call them and ask for the supervisor, but you will avoid a fee.…
Frequent Flier Tickets are an Addiction
Every now and then we get a call like this: I want to go on the xxx trip with The Women’s Travel Group. I am trying to get a frequent flier ticket for this trip and will let you know when I get it. Then time moves on and we get this follow up call: I was not able to get the ticket, how much is the flight now? Answer: The trip is now full, sorry.
Way back when the frequent flier program was started, it felt like we were being given a prize: free airplane tickets?…
Airline Fees: Yikes
Shortly The Transportation Dept will be requiring airlines and travel agents to list all fees on your ticket. These fees include the usual like security, agriculture etc but now the list is growing longer and longer. Services like checked bags, preferred seating. extra luggage (mainly on discount airlines in Europe) and other fees are involved. Spirit Airlines even charges for carry on bags!
Approximately 18% of the entire ticket is today only fees….. Airlines of course say that this new listing requirement would be expensive.…
Tricks to Get a Frequent Flier Ticket For India Nov 7-21 2013
Want to save some big money, follow these steps:
Use your miles from the US to London or to another major European Capital (Amsterdam, Frankfurt) November is low season for Europe so you have a better chance on this portion of your trip.
Book your ongoing flight on a European Expedia type site. These sites will come up with European endings like .co.uk for London .fr for France, etc. ie Expedia in Britain reads www.expedia.co.uk
Now book from the European airport round trip to India.…