Cash? Or Card?
Money when traveling overseas. Should you carry cash? Award winning tour company, The Women’s Travel Group says yes. A qualifier, carry only unmarked and un torn US bills. ( No coins. It is impossible to exchange coins overseas.) This cash is for incidentals, ie airport shops might accept a dollar for bottled water. Or you want to give a small tip to a porter? Or donate to a charity box? For most travels, $50 is the emergency cash you might need. …
1st trip since Covid?
What to expect since Covid?
The Women’s Travel Group hears from women who have not traveled since Covid. They are worried, unsure of new regulations or documents, masking or not, health insurance and more. So if you have not traveled since Covid, here are some changes, some improvements, and some warnings.
Source DOT Changes
No vaccination card needed anymore. However we always recommend you bring a list of your own prescriptions in the generic and vaccinations. Generic can be read overseas; US brands sometimes cannot be read.…
5 Tips for Navigating a Street Market
On some Women’s Travel Group tours we include a street market if it is exciting, local and has good products. Those might be Florence on our Tuscany Cooking/Seeing trip, an organized and both local and tourist market. Or they might b the Sabato market included in our Mexico City trip, the best crafts market in Mexico’s capital. Or finally it might be one of the more upmarket street scenes in Delhi on our India trip. You will never have either enough time or energy to feel you really ‘did it’.…
Worst Weekend Getaway Mistakes
Dinner in Africa
Memorial Weekend is here, and lucky women get to go away. Every year we tend to make the same prep mistakes. Some cost money and some just aggravation. Here are some tips from The Women’s Travel Group.
We take an entire inventory of plastic ccards, even those we do not need at all ie local museum or Big Box store memberships.
Then if we have a problem, we forget to bring the fraud number of each card and cannot cancel them promptly.…
Ten Unusual 'Don't take on Vacation" things
Credit cards for stores. We once had a woman show her Loehmann’s credit card as proof of identity- it worked but leave store/gasoline cards home.
Passwords on a piece of paper. If you must bring passwords, code them first. Take a photo of your list, and hide somewhere in your email account. A photo cannot be hacked.
Good costume jewelry; it might look real enough to get you robbed. And it will probably set off the TSA machinery if you wear it.…
Shopping Nightmares Overseas
Today I saw an ad for the great discount shopping outside of Disney World in Orlando. Fl. This ad reminded me, that the good old shopping we used to do overseas,might not be there anymore. Some countries still offer deals but even China with its inflation and artificially high Yuan is creeping out of bargain territory. Before you travel, do your research.
Look at sites about shopping in your target area. Check Ebay and use the actual terms: ie search for Argentine leather jacket not just leather jacket.…
Why Your Credit Card Overseas Might be Rejected
Most of the articles are written about fees for foreign credit card transactions. Few mention that a PIN is required for many credit card expenditures in Europe. If you plan on spending using plastic, bring Amex which does not require a pin. Amex is not accepted everywhere as merchants say it is more expensive, that is a forewarning. If you have to pay cash and use the ATM, try to avoid Fridays as the dollar/foreign currency rate is highest before a weekend.…