Shopping Nightmares Overseas
Today I saw an ad for the great discount shopping outside of Disney World in Orlando. Fl. This ad reminded me, that the good old shopping we used to do overseas,might not be there anymore. Some countries still offer deals but even China with its inflation and artificially high Yuan is creeping out of bargain territory. Before you travel, do your research.
Look at sites about shopping in your target area. Check Ebay and use the actual terms: ie search for Argentine leather jacket not just leather jacket.…
Warning on International Cruises as Carnival Goes to Asia
The news that Carnival Cruise is going to leave from Singapore brings up another pitfall with choosing a cruise. Will you feel isolated when other guests are speaking Chinese? Ask us here.
Last year I took a river cruise on which 85% of the passengers were German ( it was marketed as ‘an international departure’). This mix meant announcements in 2 languages, only 10-15% of the passengers spoke English and we were segregated at all meals. We found out we paid much more than the Germans.…
Women & Choice on Worst Seat mates in the Air
Peter Greenberg in his blog writes about the Ten Worst People to Sit Next to on a Plane (www.petergreenberg.com).
We are adding the hairy tank top guy.
And we have to add the guy who was found all over one of our travelers as she flew on El Al and was under an Ambien. Nothing against El Al but heh, guys are you that desperate?
Who was your worst seat mate? Share with us.…
Women only airplane bathrooms
This issue has come up in the past and as I recall one Austrian airline had segregated bathrooms for a short while. The pros and the cons:
Pro: Men leave bathrooms messy, toilet seats up and sinks full of soapy water ( thank heavens for the evidence they wash hands). We will not even talk about the floor situation.
Con: Women spend more time with make up and hair in the airplane bathroom. Women also use Purell more often than men.… -
Traveling in 2013 vs 2006 When Our Club was Sold
We are all 7 years older, which means packing more ibuprofen and comfier shoes. We have more time to travel, but less patience. We are wiser, more money conscious and probably bargain hunt with more gusto. We are more reluctant to get up early for tours. But for travel at 7 years older, here are a few rules:
Don’t race on your first day; give yourself time to adjust, even if no jet lag as in our Argentina trip in August.…
My Love Affair with Zip Lock Bags for Travel
Zip Lock Bags are my ‘Louis Vuitton’ for Travel
– for spill-ables
-keys and plugs
-electronic gadget cords
-wet washcloths if you bring you own to non washcloth areas like Europe
-socks and underwear
-snacks for hotel munching
-hair baubles
-and for everything larger I use Eagle Creek bags. And always carry a hefty bag for super wet clothes or ground cover or even a hideous but useful raincoat.… -
Alitalia Fined $125,000 for Deceiving 2 US Passengers
Alitalia was fined for not compensating 2 US bound passengers for cancelled flights. Alitalia paid for cancellations within Europe but denied the two who were flying to the US.
The rules governing an airline are found on the Department of Transportation and other US Government websites; but the individual practices can be different and are only found on the Contract of Carriage of the airline itself. This will be hidden in their website somewhere….
Example: some discount airlines will not put you on a substitute airline if your flight is cancelled; you might get back your one way fare, but you will be hugely out of pocket on buying another one way fare on a non discounter. …
How to Choose a Room Mate for a Tour
Some rules for assuring your friend is also a good roomie for a tour:
1. Both of you need to be honest about your personal habits.
2. Agree on a budget for extras like wine.
3. Agree not to talk all the time, down time saves a friendship
4. Each compromise on something they do not want to do.
5. Bring same number and size of suitcases to divide room space well.
6. If you are not of the same fitness, discuss how you will handle that up front.… -
Your 50th Birthday Gift: the right trip
are suggestions for the right trip for a 50 birthday:- I had mine on a plane flying towards Hong Kong. Talk to us here.
Here are suggestions for the right trip for a 50 birthday:
For your sense of confidence, take a trip that has a little sizzle: a boat on the Ganges? an elephant ride in Northern Thailand? a walk through a Dowery Market in Pushkar? a visit to a poignant museum about apartheid?
For introspection: travel solo but in a group.…
Music Application for Traveling
Staying in a hotel room can be isolating; try Songza. This is a free application for a smart phone. Songza has all kinds of free music and it categorizes it by genre and by what you are doing. So for instance, classical music for reading brought up YoYo Mah playing a lovely cello piece. Music makes a room away from home feel warmer and friendlier.
Join us on a trip this Summer to Argentina or elsewhere. Contact:…