What is the best first solo trip?
Let’s face it, many readers of our blog and Facebook page do not actually travel solo, but are dreaming of doing it. Here is what we think is the best first trip and some guidelines to adapt to your mind set.
A single stay trip might be less work than a multi city tour. Our March 21-29 Tuscany luxury farmhouse trip is an example of an easy adjustment: staying in a beautiful farmhouse,with wifi, free laundry, snacks and drinks in the kitchen etc.…
Newest Adventures without Nervousness
Here are some new tourist destinations from The Women’s Travel Group, with novelty but no nerves: good for solo women travelers.
Cuba: long isolated by US laws, Cuba will eventually be a cruise stop. Go now while the island is still unspoiled, yet friendly to Americans–one of the ironies of history. Our trip is not like others: it is not a specialized art, or medical, or music or dance theme. We combine as many experiences as possible in one week: people to people, art, history, colonial buildings, music, dance and just a tad of crafts.…
More Pilots on Drugs?
Why did I let myself read that small article today about the greater number of pilots which have been found to have drugs in their system? The most scary category was sedating antihistamines, present in 9.9 percent of pilots who died from 2008 to 2012, compared with 5.6 percent from 1990 to 1997. The ingredients in Vicodin and Valium also showed up more frequently. Now why would we tell you this bad news, if we are encouraging you to travel?
Reading the news in depth is a way to ruin your love of travel.…
TSA Troubles with Women
Yes a 53 year old man in San Francisco Airport’s security area was a fake TSA staff member. He dressed like a TSA employee but had not emblem or official badge. However, he managed to take two female passengers into a private room for a search. He was caught because a female TSA officer remembered that only women can search women in private areas.
So what is the lesson to learn here? If unsure of someone’s official capacity, first look for writing on their uniform or badge.…
When is a Place Scary or Just Exotic?
Just had a call from a new traveler who is interested in Morocco for Thanksgiving. Her question: is it scary? There is a broad line between scary and exotic and here are some of the guidelines for that frontier.
Scary is being alone is a crowded market where the language and writing are foreign. Exotic is wandering with our guide in a Moroccan souk knowing she is watching out for you.
Scary is finding you are in a political demonstration. Exotic is being in a country when eventful things are happening, like our group in Buenos Aires, Argentina on the anniversary of Evita’s death.…
Five Travel Habits to Erase Today!
We all have some irritating habits and there are 5 travelers must get rid of in order to have the best trip.
1- Second guessing the guide: guides take travelers all the time, truly they know best when it comes to doing their job.2-Overpacking and asking others to help: if you must bring your rock collection…. do not expect others in our group to help you carry it
3-Always being late: we are a pretty punctual group of women, but from time to time we need to chase someone up.…
What is a non Plastic Visa?
Since we had this question from some women going to India with us in October,:here is a primer on visas.
To enter foreign countries, (or for non citizens to enter the US), travelers need a visa. If you look at your passport, you will see pages called Visa Pages. For many countries, US Citizens only need to have their passports stamped when they arrive overseas-that stamp is a visa.For Morocco for Thanksgiving, US citizens get their visa stamp on arrival easily.…
Five Biggest Travel Fears of Women
This article first appeared in The Three Tomatoes Website. Phyllis Stoller of The Women’s Travel Group is their Travel Guru and many readers have gone on The Women’s Travel Group tours.
Five Biggest Travel Fears for Women
The greatest angst situations that women encounter when traveling might not be the first ones you think of. In the 22 years of participating in group travel for women, we have listed from top to bottom, the five biggest “fears”.
Number One: Fear of being separated from the group because of airline delays or cancellations.…
New TSA Rules Need Close Attention
The TSA has announced that they are now requiring all electronic devices be opened at security. Phones, tablets, computers, kindles….. This means some time delay and it requires that your devices have a live battery. Cameras are not mentioned in the list, but beware if they are battery operated.
If you are on a long trip, you will need to re-juice your devices before you go through security, as it is possible that security overseas will match our new regulations. And when you board your direct flights to the US from overseas say like Catania from our Sicily trip, TSA regulations will apply.…
India Tourism Award: Women's Trip to India
The Women’s Travel Group is thrilled to tell you that our strategic partners, SITA World Tours have won the prestigious National Tourism Award for Best Incoming Tour Operator to India from The United States and Canada.
In order to bring your country expertise, we partnered with SITA some 18 months ago for India, West and South Africa and certain areas of South America. This par
tnership has created wonderful experiences for us, to be repeated in our annual India Trip with Pushkar Camel Market extension: October 26-November 4/6 2014.…