What you Can and Cannot Do on a Plane

For Goodie Goodie Ladies: Readers Like You and Me

Despite our old fashioned training of coloring between the lines and writing thank you notes, our in the air behavior can be questionable. The Women’s Travel Group lists Can and Cannot Do’s on airplanes.

Five things you can do on a plane and Five things you cannot do.

You can ask person in front of you to bring up their seats while you eat your meal. Do they have to, NO. A nice request only while you eat is usually agreed on.

You can lodge your carry on anywhere in the overhead rack, even if not above your seat.

The FAA rule book

You can board the plane with the first VIP group even if you are in coach. Early boarding is for those who need it. That could be you if you need the lavatory. Don’t overuse this privilege.

You may use the First Class toilets. On most domestic flights, this is allowed by most airlines. On longer haul flights, staff might prevent you with the excuse of congregating near the cockpit, or breeching an airline’s policy. Here is an interesting statistic from Boeing. Boeing recommends a 10:1 ratio for first class, 20:1 for business, and 40 to 50:1 for economy. Does that mean economy passengers get more drinks than First Class?

You cannot drink your own alcoholic beverages on a plane. This is an official FAA rule. So enjoy your PBJ sandwich soberly. The actual rule is you may only drink alcohol served by a flight attendant.

Five things you cannot or should not do on an airplane

Do not remove your shoes. Airplane floors harbor tiny bits of broken glass, vomit, street filth, old food. 

Do not put your food on the tray. Regretfully people use the trays for all kinds of chores even changing diapers.

Don’t turn off the overhead vent even you are cold. The vent is part of the filter system which removes germs from the plane’s air.

Don’t touch the bathroom door handle. Cover your hand with a tissue. Not everyone had a mother like yours.

Don’t forget your morning pills or other AM routines.

Despite the Can’s and Cannot’s, airplane staff always win. When in the air, you always lose. Travel tips from award winning The Women’s Travel Group. All tours are listed here. Call us at 646 309 5607 during office hours: 9-5 Eastern Time.