Travel Tips Blog and Statistics
Why Professional Women Make Awful Travel Groupies
We know it all and do not let the guide do his/her job.
We worry about scheduling even though it is done for us.
We spend time analyzing the trip, not enough smelling the roses.
We allow our office needs to interrupt our vacations.
We do not know how to treat ourselves and have lost spontaneity.
We do not recognize the personal value of getting away from it all and coming back refreshed.Welcome smart women to and our blog.…
Working Women and travel
This dilemma came up at a meeting of professional women in New York last week. Here are the five main reasons professional women have no travel friends.
We are too busy working to take time to develop close friends.
We use non office time for our families and our health (ie gym classes)
We forget how to talk about non-business topics and/or relax into friendly banter.
We do not belong to the day time activities, non-working counterparts use for networking.
We make last minute vacation decisions to fit work leaving no time to locate a travel pal.…
5 Tips to Make Any Trip Better
Please join me for a fun evening on women and travel through the Transition Network Group of Professional Women on May 16 in New York City.
Phyllis Stoller will talk about what the new woman traveler wants, with tips on how to make your own trips special.
5 Tips to Make Any Trip Better
1-Connect with local people by bringing a photo of your family to share.
2-Bring something that has universal meaning: say a Breast Cancer Survivor Hat
3-Find a source for an honest picture of your destionation: this might be a woman’s federation who push for reform.…
Shorter Trips for Women
Some of you requested a shorter trip to Argentina.
Here it is! (click on the name for details)Argentina Aug 8-16 from $2460
Argentina 8-20 from $3369Room shares guaranteed
$100 gift for former WTClub members
Phyllis chose this trip until August 20 for her vacationFox News says our India Trip is a ‘Trip of a Lifetime’
India: Pushkar Camel Mart & Bride Experience (Click for prices) Nov. 7-21 From $5095+air
Best weather so festivals abound.
We avoid long drives and fly.… -
Tour Operator Bankruptcy
What an awful thing to happen to people: they are booked and paid up and the tour company goes bankrupt. If paid by credit card, and not stranded overseas, most people get their $$ back.
I have just booked a trip with my husband’s college and the college requires payment by personal check. So how do I protect my money?
Some travel insurance policies do protect against bankruptcy. But here is what consumers do not know: they do not cover all tour companies and airlines.…
How to Measure Weather Below the Equator
As many have asked, the weather is not the same in Buenos Aires or Capetown as in NY or Boston, which have reverse seasons, being North of the Equator. As much as BA or Capetown look equidistant from the Equator as NY or Boston, they are not.
Buenos Aires and Capetown have weather more like that in Los Angeles, even though they appear on the map to mirror NY or Boston. Rainy seasons are also different. Buenos Aires has rain spread out all year.…
How to Save $1500 on Our Argentina Journey
Here are the best things that can happen with a room share:
-new friend
-shared the savings on the single supplement
-great gossip about everyone elseHere are the worst things that can happen with a room share:
-one of you loses the key
-both of you like to keep the hotel amenities
-both of you forgot the safe combinationSeriously, everyone saves money, and traveling with our group of women means from breakfast through dinner, we are together. A room share does not mean you are tied by the hip.…
Airline Prices Have Fallen: it is Taxes which are the Culprit
Many travelers do not know that airline prices have fallen over the years. It is taxes which are the culprit for high prices. Today I got an email from a airline ticket consolidaror, giving out deals from Los Angeles.
Here is the shocker:
LAX to Europe was around $265, taxes were $650. So it is the taxes which are the big piece. Sites selling airline tickets are now required to add the taxes to the amount you see before you click.… -
What Travel Insurers Do Not Tell You About Terrorism
They do not necessarily fly you home if there is a terrorist act in your destination, if your itinerary can skip the one area. Read the small print please!
They do not tell you what to do if the act is before you leave and the US State Dept has not issued a warning yet. Learn the difference between a warning and an advisory and the other vague language used by officials.
So how do you decide if you should go ahead with your trip?…
Why is a Compliment from Arthur Frommer Important?
What does it mean when a travel icon like Arthur Frommer compliments your company?
It means literally The World, especially if unsolicited and permanently on the web. Those of us who have been in the travel business for eons, need a way to differentiate ourselves from the upstart internet tour companies. The ways to show we are for real are to include a compliment from an authority like Mr. Frommer. It is also significant to be accepted into a selective industry membership like IATAN and to have the right to sell travel insurance.…