Travel Tips Blog and Statistics
Comments about Women Travelers from the "Experts"???
Just back from speaking at The Times Travel Show where we had a chance to chat with many of you.
We thought you might want to hear these comments. Here are some of the outrageous misconceptions about women’s travel I heard during the panel discussions. It is 2014 folks!
One operator said they see a large increase in women booking their luxury package tours. This was evidenced in more requests for triples and quad rooms. What woman pays for a luxury tour and then asks for a quad room?…
Five Unusual Travel Tips for Women
Top Travel Tips from The Women’s Travel Group Members
If the hotel is too cold, reverse the sheet and blanket so the blanket is next to your body.Solo traveling but going out with strangers you have met on a trip? Require them to leave their national identity card or a photocopy of their passport picture page with the concierge.
If you expect to shop ’til you drop, fill your empty suitcase with bubble wrap.
To make friends on the road, bring along a globe beach ball to show where you live and perhaps start an informal game with local children.…
How To Navigate A Travel Show
If you are planning on coming to The New York Times Travel Show, here is how to get the most out of it and not come home with a broken back.
Wear comfy shoes; the floor of the Javits Ctr is concrete.
Bring a small stapler and simply staple a business card to the info you wish instead of carrying home heavy brochures.
Prepare a business card of your own to drop into info bowls if you wish to be on a mailing list.… -
Sicily: Christmas Markets, Street Processions and Farm Food
A Unique Christmas Markets Trip to Sicily December 4-12 2014
With Christmas Markets, Holiday Street Processions, Archaeological Sites, Wineries Shopping, Farmhouse Food
$2599 land only (until July 1 2014, then $2799) Single: $525 Shares guaranteed for early bookings.December 4 -12 2014
Some of us will overnight in Rome on Dec. 4, staying at the Rome Airport Hilton. (The Rome Airport Hilton has a free shuttle into town and is connected to the airport, making it an easy place to rendezvous.)…
Tips for TravelRoom Sharing
The Women’s Travel Group arranges shares for anyone who wishes. There are several tips which will help you along the way:
1-Be neat and keep your possessions and tissues on your side of the room. In the bathroom especially be neat.
2-Arrange bathroom times if possible.
3-Avoid putting on the tv and turn off audio on your devices.
4-Both of you should keep track of expenses put on the room. Even better put no expenses on the room.This will make check out easier.… -
Tips to Recover from a Spa Vacation
Clean out the fridge except for your must have delights.
Try on clothes and feel good about how they fit.
Exercise even if you are still unpacking.
Take a long walk and do errands ambulatorially. If that is a word.
Buy cut up fruit and veggies today!If you need to choose between organizing photos and something active. Do the active bit.
Join us to Canyon Ranch for a deal price May 1-4/5 or wait till next year and Ixtapan Spa Feb.… -
Is your Guide Book Author Honest?
Before you buy a guidebook for your next trip, consider the author / authors!
Who wrote it? Man or woman? US or non US? How old is the author? Where do they live?
—Women will be more conscious of our needs and might include more informal information about lifestyles and markets.
—If a different generation than you, are you happy with their choices of must see’s and must eats? (exception Lets Go Guides from Harvard, written by juniors and seniors but full of deals and interesting sidelights).…
The Pre-Trip 3 Day Guide
1. Re-read all the documents that came with your trip package and put them in carry on bags. Same with your insurance policy and keep the travel insurance company number handy. You might need to call them from the airport if your flight is cancelled. Solo travelers especially be diligent.
2. Check weather again in both destination and any stopover airport.
3. Re-scan the seating chart of your flight to see if a better seat turned up.
4. Starting at your head, going down to your toes, think through what you packed and what you have forgotten.…
Travel Don'ts with Special Needs
Today I had a nice call from a woman who is planning on going to Morocco with us for Thanksgiving. She studied the itinerary and asked if she could sit in front of the bus for the one longer drive over the Atlas Mts. The answer was of course, yes.
Here are typical and atypical special needs we have been asked before:
1. Car sickness, yes sit in front.
2. Hearing impaired, yes sit near the guide so you can hear him.…
How to Complain about Airline Crew
As we are not allowed to carry liquids on planes we suggest you, at least bring an empty bottle. You can then be more vigilant about staying hydrated during the trip. Crew serve water/juice etc in those tiny cups and even two at a time is not enough. Drinking more for the 48 hours before your trip is also a smart idea. We have heard that some travelers have carried on frozen water as a non liquid; truly do not. Each time travelers play around with the rules, we put the airline in jeopardy of fines.…