Travel Tips Blog and Statistics
Travelers: Say NO
The Women’s Travel Group teaches you to say NO.Air travel is not as disruptive as hyped by press, or, as home made videos record. There are times when you have to tolerate bad behavior; there are times when you need to say NO.
Once your boarding pass and/or face are scanned, is there a check that you sit in your assigned seat? Here is a new word: seat squatting. Seat squatting is defined as taking an airplane seat that is not assigned to you.…
Guide to Dining Overseas
How not to be a Dining Dufus.
The most awkward meal ever. The dinner was in Munich Germany; I could not read German but did know the word for ‘dumpling’: knodel (with accent marks). Who doesn’t love dumplings? I ordered knodel. Time passed, the waiter brought 2 grapefruit sized beige balls. I started uncontrollably laughing; German diners looked at me with shock. Clearly I did not know German knodel.
We were 3 ladies on a Women’s Travel Group tour. In the Tokyo Airport, we noticed a couple enjoying what looked like delicious pasta.…
Success; approval to enter the UK
Success for one from The Women’s Travel Group. !!! I applied for the new UK ETA ‘Electronic Travel Authorisation’ needed to enter the UK after January 8 2025. A similar application will be used for entering the European Union after January 8 2025. Consider applying before the crush….
Here is what to know about the UK one only:
Have ready:
Credit Card or Apple Pay
Smart phone
One other electronic device (my opinion).
Make up— so you look decent (I started the process in pajamas; vanity prevailed).…
2025 Wishes- Senior Women Travelers
There is bad news for senior women travelers. Worse news for senior women who travel solo. Lets hope 2025 brings travel industry improvements for the 77 million women over 65, who FYI hold most of the discretionary $$. (Source: AARP). Here are suggestions for the industry who might be anxious for the $7000 we each spend on travel annually. These are cheap solutions.
Women’s Travel Group meal in Italy Let’s start with the subtle theme called “who pays for the wine”, aka “couples on tour do not want to eat with solos”. …
Holiday Travel for the Petrified
Holiday travel overseas is less busy than domestic. Only 3% of flights were cancelled in 2023 vs 28% in 2022, and trends are lower for this week even with higher volume. Statistics show holidays are less insane than the press would have you believe.
Tuscany Winery with The Women’s Travel Group Arrive at your airport 3+ hours before scheduled flight times. Make sure you put your email and cell numbers into the airline app. With those contacts, you get notices of delays, cancellations, gate changes, even baggage movements (Some Airlines provide the latter Delta and SW). …
Solo Christmas Travel
Holidays are around the corner. The Women’s Travel Group offers both Thanksgiving and Christmas trips. Thanksgiving is waitlisted this year. Christmas Rhine cruise might have space. Contact us asap. Holidays create emotional unwrapping of memories and of loneliness. Many of us especially, women who are single, miss families and friends.
There are some terrific surprises for you, ladies, with overseas travel during Christmas.
Flights are not that crowded if you do not leave on school/college semester end days.…
Eat Cheap-Museum Munchies
So you are alone for a meal, nervous but hungry. You are overseas? Museum munchies might be your solution. Increasingly museums are visitor friendly: seating areas, outdoor spaces, free wifi and affordable restaurants. Dining in a museum is the next thing to dining at home.
Source: Jim Thompson Heritage Quarter Some museums have famous chefs and fancy prices. The Fondation Louis Vuitton outside of Paris boosts a restaurant called appropriately Le Frank. The founding chef has a Michelin star so expect prices to be high, reservations needed.…
Cash? Or Card?
Money when traveling overseas. Should you carry cash? Award winning tour company, The Women’s Travel Group says yes. A qualifier, carry only unmarked and un torn US bills. ( No coins. It is impossible to exchange coins overseas.) This cash is for incidentals, ie airport shops might accept a dollar for bottled water. Or you want to give a small tip to a porter? Or donate to a charity box? For most travels, $50 is the emergency cash you might need. …
Travel Quiz-Women
Can you take the first solo trip? A test from award winning, The Women’s Travel Group.
Can you do the trip physically? Try walking a mile, which is 20 times the length of Saks Fifth Avenue’s famous 6th Floor shoe department. We are not talking run or rush, just walk.
Can you drag your suitcase from the taxi/car to airline check in? Next time you load up on Tide pods at your supermarket, push the wagon with one hand?…
Tourism Danger and Elections
Are countries dangerous during election? This November, European visitors are asking this question about our country. Election disruptions can be a travel issue. 20 European countries had or will have elections in 2024.
Congressional Report from the Library of Congress. Unpredictable for us travelers is that election dates are scheduled differently in each country. Some are predictable, like that of the US, others are unpredictable and can be announced with little advance notice.
Some are peaceful. Some are not peaceful. Some elections come with restrictions on what a visitor can and cannot do on election day.…