The Women’s Travel Group believes that a smart investment in travel should not include: tourist shopping, too much free time, or itineraries which are short to make them look cheaper.
Tour Time Wasting Shopping: why would you waste time going to a diamond store or a carpet emporium when you are paying $hundreds to see a new country? Diamonds can be bought on the internet, and carpets in every department store. Now a fun street market might be valuable for the ambiance and photo ops.
Too many free days: why would you join an organized tour in order to have FREE days? You can enjoy your free time at home at no expense. We believe it is better to pack each day with interesting experiences; if you need a day or half-day off, you can meet up with us. Including FREE or AT LEISURE time is wasting your hard-earned money.
Short Trips Are Not a Bargain: We see tour companies making prices look competitive by selling shorter trips. If you calculate the per diem cost of your vacation, the longer the trip, the lower the actual per day price. With airfares high, why would you flit over and flit back without fully using your paid airfare?
Join Phyllis on our Summer trip to Argentina, from the Andes to Buenos Aires, the Falls to the vineyards and much more. No time wasted, but no painful rushing either.