Over the years, our group has had items confiscated. Some are not allowed to be imported, some are illegal, and some were ‘taken’ by customs’ officials overseas. One confiscation was hilarious. It was a tampon removed and examined by a South American customs official.

Here are some items not to pack.
Anything expensive especially with designer labels.
Items with price tags; these are easier to fence. Remove the tag.
Pirated goods like fake designer bags, sunglasses, watches. There are some exceptions if the item is confusingly labeled or gray market and is only for personal use. For details on this read here.
Anything with sharp spokes. I had a cheap star shaped pin removed. Customs thought it was a weapon, called a Chinese star.
Knitting needles, the final decision rests with the individual TSA officers.
Ivory, unless labeled ‘antique’, over 100 years old. This also means if you already own ivory don’t take it on trips.
Seeds are not allowed into the US from overseas. Customs removes them and might fine you. To import seeds, you need a special permit from the US Agriculture and Plant Inspection Service. Even dried herbs like oregano branches might be confiscated with visible seeds.
Food: meat, vegetables, fruit unless canned or jarred.
Animal hides as in an African drum , mask.
Dog and cat fur which masquerades as other fur.
Prohibited medicines. Bring your medicines in the original prescription labeled bottle and for safety, bring the original prescription also.
Then there are the weird situations. My son had toy called a transformer; a plastic robot that transformed into a toy gun. It was in its gun mode when we passed through customs. Gun gone.
Travel tips from award winning The Women’s Travel Group, small tours for women. Our tours are professionally organized, unusual and economically priced. Contact us Monday-Friday 9-5 at 646 309 5607 or by email.