What is the deal with airline upgrades? If you are not an ultra frequent flier, you will rarely get a free upgrade. Below are a few insider tips to up the ante. The Women’s Travel Group offers excellent airfares with our award winning tours to Scotland and Ireland plus Sicily and Malta.

1-Flying with a friend, book separately. Recently I was number one for a Delta upgrade. I fly more than my husband so have higher status. The upgrade was given to someone else because, as related by airline staff, we did not want to separate you two. Upgraded seats for 2 persons are less likely. We booked separately on our next flight; I was upgraded.
2-You can pay for an upgrade; here is Virgin’s information. Virgin even has an auction for upgrades. Many airlines offer upgrades on airline apps. So, say you booked your ticket in economy? You can now throw cash at it and upgrade at a discounted price quoted on line. These paid upgrades disappear closer to the flight.
3-Give up your seat when a flight is oversold? When you offer your seat to staff, make an upgraded seat part of your bargain for the new ticket.
4-Pay with an airline credit card. Some cards include free upgrades. Don’t use up a free upgrade if there is also a chance you will get the seat anyway. Scan the seating chart frequently; if the class you want is filling up, then use your credit card benefit. Do the math about the cost of the card.
5-Some credit cards offer 2 for 1 partner tickets. You can book any class and get a second ticket for free. These cards are expensive. Do the Math. If you visit family, in Los Angeles, an economy ticket can be $650. A twofer, even if the card costs $650 is worth it. A first class can be $1500; a freebie partner ticket is then $750 per ticket?
6-Report a problem to staff. You seat is broken. Arm rest is cracked and sharp. Your seat mate is drunk and obstreperous. A family wants to sit together. Staff might move you to an upgraded seat. This happened: my seat mate was military, traveling with a gun. He was not in uniform (The rule then was military had to be in uniform to carry a gun on a plane). He became defiant about giving it up. Staff moved me to a first class seat. In these cases where you have to move, you should ask for the upgrade. You don’t ask, you don’t get. Be polite not demanding.
7-Fly on a Saturday when fewer business travelers are on board.
8-We mentioned this in an earlier post: get a business account with the airline in lieu of your personal one.
9-Finally you can go to the gate and just ask. Start with I am traveling alone and if there is a single upgrade, I would be available to take it… no matter where it is.
The Women’s Travel Group is an award winning tour company for women. We have star reviews on Facebook. There is still space left on Scotland and Ireland, Sicily and Malta and Mexico City in 2024. Contact us at https://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com/contact/