Don’t damage your iphone overseas, next time you travel out of the country. Learn a tiny bit about not damaging your iphone and about electrical current. Overseas electrical current is different from that of the US and Canada. There are interesting historical reasons for the choice of our electrical current delivery. Plug sizes and shapes are also different, and the amount of electricity that enters your devices is different.

Adaptor vs. Converter In the old days, women packed hairdryers, irons and coils that heated water for tea. Hotels did not supply many amenities and were focussed on male business travel. Today hotels almost universally offer hairdryers. Some have an iron in the closet or, on demand, from the Front Desk. However, today most of us wear easy fabrics that dry quickly without creasing. Some of us just let it go regarding hair when we are on vacation.
Most of us depend on some electronic devices. Phones, tablets and computers were manufactured to work everywhere. Therefore you do not need to ‘convert’ electricity for phones or ipads or most computers. Convert refers to changing from AC alternating current which we have in North America to DC direct current which is in the rest of the world. If you are really interested in the difference:
The main evidence you get after plugging a US or Canadian phone or ipad into direct current, is the plug might get hot. This is normal since DC current is delivered directly into your device not back and forth as in AC. Note: this heat is not dangerous but it is alarming for those who do not know what is occurring.
Razors and non heating items except electronics might need a 50 watt converter; the information booklet for your item should cover this. Items that use heat: iron, coffee maker etc need a much bigger converter; don’t bring them or find a dual voltage version.
Adaptors change the shape of a plug to that used in the countries you visit. Some of this information is on line but we suggest you check a few different articles. Countries update plugs from time to time. For instance, in Italy the plug might be two round prongs or three prongs in a line. The shape will depend on when electricity was updated and your hotel built or renovated. Bring both to be safe. Plugs are categorized by letters; use the letter assigned to the plug you need rather than an on line photo. Example: the new Italian plug is an L.
Some countries have a plug you will rarely use again: Namibia, as an example, has a 3 round triangular plug that comes in 2 different sizes- again confusing. Add to that mix, some historic hotel rooms will have different plug sizes in the same room. Some will also have an electric strip with more shapes?
Most hotels have a US style plug in the bathroom for razors only. It might charge your US phone but don’t count on it. It might also short out the lights or destroy your iphone.
Some hotels will have limited numbers of plugs you can reach without moving furniture like a heavy TV. If you will need to recharge a lot of devices, bring your own electric strip rather than move furniture.
Always try to unplug your electronic devices if there is a thunder storm. Recharging at night is safer as you will hear the storm approaching. Leaving your devices in an electrical outlet can create smartphone damage.
Finally, if you have connecting flights in an airport not on your basic itinerary, you need to carry the plug that fits that country also. For instance, flights that connect in London will have airport plugs with three square prongs. (More and more public places are using a USB port rather than a plug; still don’t get caught without your plug). Don’t use another person’s plug along with an unknown outlet, as there are reports of hacking.
We hope this primer is helpful in your packing needs. It will be helpful to Amazon where you can buy all these different plugs cheaply and easily.
(We generally stay away from the universal it fits everything everywhere plug. We have found these unreliable).
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