Returned home today to The New York Times on my doorstep. Having read half of the first section, I decided not to go to Asia, Mexico, Turkey or even to leave my apartment as there was a gas explosion in Manhattan.  Then on line, I read the headline about London airport being closed due to fog; yikes.

Why do we allow print and other media to destroy our sense of adventure?

My belief is we are basically a skittish lot and any hint of trouble or misunderstanding is enough to keep us home.  So how can we overcome these emotional obstacles?

Before your trip, never read a headline without finishing the whole article and analyzing it! Underline the copy if that helps separate the truth or begs other questions.
Do not watch CNN, Fox or other TV ‘in your face’ news. The journalist’s job is to catch your attention with quick shocking headlines.
But do scan the entire US, Canadian, UK or Australian government alerts on the area you plan to visit. These might cover areas you are not even visiting, so again concentrate on the details.

Always take out travel insurance for the things: personal and trip related, that you can cover!

Having written this, I think I will now leave my house and take a chance on survival en route to the supermarket. And PS the London airport in question turned out to be London City which none of us on transAtlantic routes uses.