Women and Travel Constipation
It is not The New York Times we grew up with. An excellent recent article in the Travel Section was about Travel Constipation. We, women relate. Some of us fret. Some worry ahead of time. Worst, some women do not travel at all for fear of mixed up “internal” health.
Enjoying a great meal in Northern Italy. The Times has the following suggestions and we added more.
Drink more liquids on the plane and on the trip.
Don’t sit in one position the whole time.…
Airline App Lesson 101
How likely are senior women to load electronic travel apps on smart phones? I say: highly unlikely. Most of us are half in the modern and half in the non-electronic world. We love sending photos with phones; we hesitate to manage flights on the smart phone airline app.
Our Group in India. Save $150 on India now. Here is why it is best to learn the airline app and get on with it.
You have control over your reservation. You have easy access to the record locator or id number of your flight and its departure times.…
What Traveling Women Fear
Travel advertising is a turn off to us senior women. Brochure photos show clothing often associated with hiking, and the outdoors. Jackets by Patagonia? Shirts by Columbia? Parachute pants by LL Bean? Women travelers often analyze clothing especially shoes to assess the group. Women travelers do not relate to groups wearing fly fishing outfits. In sum, travel clothing in industry brochures is a turn off to senior women. We are retired or still working professionals; we need to be a teeny bit of a slob on the road. …
Women & Packing Obsessions
I am guilty of being a perfectionist. Similarly many woman are obsessed with minutiae when they travel. Here are simple packing solutions to make you less fraught when you join The Women’s Travel Group.
The Women’s Travel Group in Ethiopia Leave home most make up. Honestly no one cares in Florence, if your skin glows less without your serum.
Wear socks twice, no one will mind; there are no socks’ police in Japan.
Tiny spot on your tee shirt? Enjoying your bistro meal on the Cote D’Azur, no one sees it.…
Senior Women love Hotel Lotions?
Source: United Nations Development Program Women, especially senior women love mini bottles in hotel bathrooms. We hoard tiny bottles of fancy lotions, shampoos, conditioners. The Women’s Travel Group is telling you, these bottles are going going gone. Major hotel chains are ending these goodies, because single use plastic is toxic. There is push back, particularly by younger guests who are their market more than are we, the female seniors.
In 2019, industry leader, Marriott announced the end small plastic amenity bottles.…
Scots Irish Smile at Americans
Why do these two areas feel connected to Americans? We can start with the language: English. When you visit Scotland and Ireland and hear local English, you might think it is a foreign language. Both can be heavily accented to our ears. Some areas are influenced by Gaelic and some by England’s English. Posh accents like those of Ewan McGregor or Sean Connery are familiar to movie buffs. Connery is especially known to us from James Bond.
We are family. 5 million Americans have Scottish ancestry; the Scottish diaspora remains connected via church, culture, and the many societies we see in parades.…
How to Get an Airline Upgrade
What is the deal with airline upgrades? If you are not an ultra frequent flier, you will rarely get a free upgrade. Below are a few insider tips to up the ante. The Women’s Travel Group offers excellent airfares with our award winning tours to Scotland and Ireland plus Sicily and Malta.
A Women’s Travel Group in Morocco 1-Flying with a friend, book separately. Recently I was number one for a Delta upgrade. I fly more than my husband so have higher status.…
New Refund Rules
Refunds? New Rules for Air Ticket Refunds
Dept of Transportation The Biden White House announced new rules for consumers regarding our plane tickets. A few items are below. Some of the rules are still grayish; it is still worth a careful reading of the full statement.
Currently you get a refund if the airline cancels the flight not due to weather. NEW A consumer is entitled to a refund if the airline cancels a flight, regardless of the reason, and the consumer chooses not to travel.…
Travel Solo without a Nervous Breakdown Part 2
Here is your ‘clearing head’ itinerary from The Women’s Travel Group. First Read Part 1. Arrival Day after a 2-3 hour nap, eat a healthy lunch include fruit/salad. Drink more water than you think you need. Ask the Front Desk for a hotel card and a map. Mark the hotel clearly on the map-you are tired—make the mark BIG. Ask staff to color a line for a neighborhood walk. Stroll the neighborhood monitoring landmarks. It is pretty easy to get lost when exhausted.…
Rude airline staff? Too bad for you.
I just watched one of those irresistible airport videos. An airline staffer used the F word to a passenger. The staffer had demanded to see her boarding pass, not at check in but randomly. The passenger refused, said she had to make her plane and continued on to check in. Then came the F word. What can you do if an airline staffer treats you discourteously or even gray area illegally?
Dept of Transportation, your go to help line.https://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com Not much is the answer.…