Airline ‘IOU’ Nothing
What does an airline company owe you? The Women’s Travel Group has a few tips. How often does the pilot apologize by saying, the delay is due to the late arrival of the aircraft?
Albania and Greece with The Women’s Travel Grouphttps://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com Bottom Line: is it weather, mechanical, staff shortage? Heard this too often? Be your own detective. Look at flight tracker and check weather from where the plane is coming and where you are. Save via screenshot any notices from the airline. …
Mirror on the Wall: Passport Photos
Who likes their passport photo? Who likes their facial recognition photo? Im guessing no one likes their passport photo or the facial recognition photo that stares at you in the airport departure line. You are in synch with 9 out of 10 people who also did not like their passport photos. Worse they deemed themselves un-photogenic.
India with The Women’s Travel Group TSA officers use biometric cameras to assist with identity verification. Your photo and personal data are deleted after your identity is verified.…
Food: Hot or Not?
I love to eat but am not what you might call a “Foodie”. Foodie usually means someone who has a strong interest in food, as in creating a hobby around food.There are some foods which drive me directly to book a trip. There are others I must bring home. There is a third category of affordable food gifts.
Start with India: some women are concerned about spiciness or about raw foods.
Here are the surprises: Up front breakfast at the quality hotels we stay in has European, often Japanese, Indian and American breakfast.…
Bargains Overseas
The Women’s Travel Group does not include shopping on our trips. You will have some time to do it on your own. Kitchenware is the go -to for shoppers. European kitchenware is of the best made. Items are usually better designed, cheaper, and serve uses you did not know existed. Since European decor is different, colors of kitchenware are also different. And, of course, there are special items for special foods. You can shop budget wise at what we recognize as Woolworth type stores.…
Airport Insanity
True facts and tips from tour operator, The Women’s Travel Group. As you enter an airport, you will likely lose your mind. Your grey matter stays stuck on undone chores for your home life. You are still unsure of efficiency for the new trip. You drag a suitcase, with cash squeezed in a pouch against your ribcage. Your forgot to put on lipstick or comb your hair? Where did you put house keys? Where is the boarding pass you printed at home? …
Travel with a new Adminstration
The Women’s Travel Group summarizes what the experts expect for the next 4 years. Are they right? Optimistic or Pessimistic? Do they all agree? A broad brush of the Administration’s general policies: less regulation? more monopolies? privatization? tight immigration rules?
Womens Travel Group in the Yucatan Industry experts like the newsletter Skift write that restrictive visa and immigration policies might reduce in bound tourism. For us traveling Americans, fewer seasonal laborers damage travel services in airports and train stations, in restaurants and related services.…
Special Solo River Cruises
Be a cruiser not a bruiser, tips and special solo priced river cruises from The Women’s Travel Group.
Hotel check in, packing/unpacking, foreign bathrooms and signs? Love to travel but want to avoid the double whammy of jet lag and touring? River cruises are your answer. Did you drool over Parisian scenes during the July Olympics? Join our group and enjoy stress free travel to Paris and Normandy from our special solo river cruise. Toss in Norman countryside, shore line villages and ‘voila’ you have a French experience.…
Travelers: Say NO
The Women’s Travel Group teaches you to say NO.Air travel is not as disruptive as hyped by press, or, as home made videos record. There are times when you have to tolerate bad behavior; there are times when you need to say NO.
Once your boarding pass and/or face are scanned, is there a check that you sit in your assigned seat? Here is a new word: seat squatting. Seat squatting is defined as taking an airplane seat that is not assigned to you.…
Guide to Dining Overseas
How not to be a Dining Dufus.
The most awkward meal ever. The dinner was in Munich Germany; I could not read German but did know the word for ‘dumpling’: knodel (with accent marks). Who doesn’t love dumplings? I ordered knodel. Time passed, the waiter brought 2 grapefruit sized beige balls. I started uncontrollably laughing; German diners looked at me with shock. Clearly I did not know German knodel.
We were 3 ladies on a Women’s Travel Group tour. In the Tokyo Airport, we noticed a couple enjoying what looked like delicious pasta.…
Success; approval to enter the UK
Success for one from The Women’s Travel Group. !!! I applied for the new UK ETA ‘Electronic Travel Authorisation’ needed to enter the UK after January 8 2025. A similar application will be used for entering the European Union after January 8 2025. Consider applying before the crush….
Here is what to know about the UK one only:
Have ready:
Credit Card or Apple Pay
Smart phone
One other electronic device (my opinion).
Make up— so you look decent (I started the process in pajamas; vanity prevailed).…