Travel with a new Adminstration
The Women’s Travel Group summarizes what the experts expect for the next 4 years. Are they right? Optimistic or Pessimistic? Do they all agree? A broad brush of the Administration’s general policies: less regulation? more monopolies? privatization? tight immigration rules?
Womens Travel Group in the Yucatan Industry experts like the newsletter Skift write that restrictive visa and immigration policies might reduce in bound tourism. For us traveling Americans, fewer seasonal laborers damage travel services in airports and train stations, in restaurants and related services.…
Cash? Or Card?
Money when traveling overseas. Should you carry cash? Award winning tour company, The Women’s Travel Group says yes. A qualifier, carry only unmarked and un torn US bills. ( No coins. It is impossible to exchange coins overseas.) This cash is for incidentals, ie airport shops might accept a dollar for bottled water. Or you want to give a small tip to a porter? Or donate to a charity box? For most travels, $50 is the emergency cash you might need. …
Tourism Danger and Elections
Are countries dangerous during election? This November, European visitors are asking this question about our country. Election disruptions can be a travel issue. 20 European countries had or will have elections in 2024.
Congressional Report from the Library of Congress. Unpredictable for us travelers is that election dates are scheduled differently in each country. Some are predictable, like that of the US, others are unpredictable and can be announced with little advance notice.
Some are peaceful. Some are not peaceful. Some elections come with restrictions on what a visitor can and cannot do on election day.…
Real ID or Stay Home
Travel Tips from The Women’s Travel Group. Years ago, my Mother and I flew to Albany. From Florida to Albany, there was no checkin issue. From Albany to Florida, she was asked for her driver’s license. My mother was the generation who never drove a car. She informed checkin staff that she had a police card identification. The police id card was something older non driving Floridians secured. Checkin refused her. She was crying. We were shocked.
I related the following to the supervisor: You allowed my elderly mother to fly Miami to Albany.…
What I Always Carry on
Yes, I arrived in Delhi on a plane which had no luggage. The computer at Heathrow malfunctioned; no one on the BA plane to India had luggage. Here is what I learned below. PS once I bought basics,had some sleep, it was not a big deal.
Santa Fe Ladies October 2023 https://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com Always carry on:
Medicine. toss in a few optionals as ‘just in case’: bandaids, ibuprofen type pills, Immodium type liquid, eye saline. Don’t do what my son did and put all pills in one container then call his mother from Pakistan for information.…
Money Mistakes Overseas
Tips from The Women’s Travel Group to Be a Smart Banker of your own money.
To feel in control before leaving home. Some women like the idea of having money on hand when landing in a foreign country. I am one who usually takes out in local currency $100 from Chase. You usually have to order foreign money 48 hours ahead. Ask for unmarked/undamaged bills. Marked bills are hard to convert overseas.
Buying currency in an airport. Most airport exchange bureaux charge a set fee.…
Never Lose these 5 Critical Travel Items
Warning from The Women’s Travel Group.
Your medical prescriptions in generic form. Only generic can be read overseas.
Your ticket number, the long string of numbers somewhere on your reservation. To change flights,be moved to another airline or retrieve ff points, you must have this number.
Your 24/7 contact text or phone number for your tour operator. They will deal with your issue number faster than by email.
iphone charger A phone charger, recharging on the plane; some plane outlets need the larger charger.…
What You Did Not Know About Your Passport
You should renew your Passport before getting close to 6 months pre expiration. Most countries require you to have 6 months left or immigration can deny your entrance.
Visa pages are just that: pages where foreign officials can stamp your passport, giving you entree to their country. This stamp is your visa to enter so make sure you get the actual stamp. This means you will have to concentrate after a long flight, but do it. On the way out, officials might look for your entry stamp!…
Bad Mistakes women make when traveling in a heat wave
The Mistakes Women Make in Hot Travel Weather from The Women’s Travel Group, small group tours for women.
Bushmen art in Africa from one of our Africa trips. We want to look good so we don’t pull back our hair.
We wear off drippy makeup.
We don the wrong clothes, 100% cotton rather than the newer quick dry, super thin fabrics.
We don’t drink enough water worrying that we will not find suitable bathroom.
We eat salty snacks for in-between hunger or because they are given on the plane.…
Flight Cancellations: What to do Immediately
Our group in Argentina Flight cancellation Triage from www.thewomenstravelgroup.com especially during the pandemic era. Let’s face it, some airlines are not going to survive this disaster.
The FAA cancelled flights of Boeing 737 Max 8 and 9 planes. Here is what you need to do immediately if this or another crisis has hurt your travel plans.
If in the US: call your airline-on the local number not the 800; it might be faster. The local number will be on the airline site and you should keep it in your contacts in your phone anyway.…