• 1st trip since Covid?

    1st trip since Covid?

    What to expect since Covid?

    The Women’s Travel Group hears from women who have not traveled since Covid. They are worried, unsure of new regulations or documents, masking or not, health insurance and more. So if you have not traveled since Covid, here are some changes, some improvements, and some warnings.

    The Women's Travel Group advice about post Covid travel
    Source DOT


    No vaccination card needed anymore. However we always recommend you bring a list of your own prescriptions in the generic and vaccinations. Generic can be read overseas; US brands sometimes cannot be read.…

  • Survive Summer

    Survive Summer

    To make your Summer travels smooth and stress free, know the reality then be smart. The Women’s Travel Group shares experiences.


    Flights will be fuller, usually with families. There is no rule that families get to sit together. If asked to move for a family, you can request an extra service before agreeing: Ask for a better seat? If there is rancor, explain quietly that it was the gate agent’s job to put a family together. You paid for your seat and planned accordingly.…

  • New Refund Rules

    New Refund Rules

    Refunds? New Rules for Air Ticket Refunds

    Dept of Transportation

    The Biden White House announced new rules for consumers regarding our plane tickets. A few items are below. Some of the rules are still grayish; it is still worth a careful reading of the full statement. 

    Currently you get a refund if the airline cancels the flight not due to weather. NEW A consumer is entitled to a refund if the airline cancels a flight, regardless of the reason, and the consumer chooses not to travel.…

  • Real ID or Stay Home

    Real ID or Stay Home

    Travel Tips from The Women’s Travel Group. Years ago, my Mother and I flew to Albany. From Florida to Albany, there was no checkin issue. From Albany to Florida, she was asked for her driver’s license. My mother was the generation who never drove a car. She informed checkin staff that she had a police card identification. The police id card was something older non driving Floridians secured. Checkin refused her. She was crying. We were shocked.

    I related the following to the supervisor: You allowed my elderly mother to fly Miami to Albany.…

  • Travel: Nervous Breakdown  Part 1

    Travel: Nervous Breakdown Part 1

    There is a pre-travel disease called panic. It might be worse for women travelers. Here is how to travel panic free from The Women’s Travel Group, an award winning tour company.

    How to travel and not have a nervous breakdown from The Women's Travel Group.
    Lunch on our Italy trip. www.thewomenstravelgroup.com

    Step 1 is plenty of extra time for every stage. Have with too much time at the airport. Airports can be crowded, stand on line and ignore the line crashers. Airports have amenities: restaurants, bathrooms, ample seating, electrical outlets, USB ports. Most have free public wifi.…

  • Learn to love crowded airports

    Learn to love crowded airports

    Travel Tips from award winning The Women’s Travel Group. Get there early. There is no reason NOT to arrive early. One generally sits around watching the clock or doing last second chores which should have been done yesterday. 

    The Women's Travel Group travel tips to learn to love airports. #thewomenstravelgroup
    Group in Italy

    Avoid items that might set off TSA alarms. Even gold jewelry or a watch can activate the alarm. Remove all metal at home, secure in a zipped area of carry on. Removing jewelry in front of strangers feels chancey.…

  • 1st Solo Trip? 1st Gynecological Exam?

    1st Solo Trip? 1st Gynecological Exam?

    Every day we hear the same: This is my first solo trip. I’m not sure I can do it. 

    Fear of solo travel by women from The Women's Travel Group
    Some in this photo are first time travelers.

    Practical concerns are flights: what if delayed? (fewer are than you think) What if stuck in an airport? What if my transfer is missing in action? Finally, what if I get sick? Or what if I use a bathroom more than the other women? 

    Emotional concerns: Will the tour manager be helpful with my many questions?…

  • A Women's Travel Group in Morocco

    What I Always Carry on

    Yes, I arrived in Delhi on a plane which had no luggage. The computer at Heathrow malfunctioned; no one on the BA plane to India had luggage. Here is what I learned below.  PS once I bought basics,had some sleep, it was not a big deal.

    Carry on essentials from The Women's Travel Group
    Santa Fe Ladies October 2023 https://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com

    Always carry on:

    Medicine. toss in a few optionals as ‘just in case’: bandaids, ibuprofen type pills, Immodium type liquid, eye saline.  Don’t do what my son did and put all pills in one container then call his mother from Pakistan for information.…

  • Cheapskates’ Wifi on Vacation

    Cheapskates’ Wifi on Vacation

    How to be cheap/smart/bargain hunter/whatever from The Women’s Travel Group. Paying for wifi overseas on top of paying a crazily expensive phone bill at home is a nasty burden. Before we start, any public wifi is insecure unless you purchase a VPN line. VPN lines are cheap but might not work on sites like Paypal or your financial sites: Bank, Stocks. Those sites usually need to identify your phone, computer or ipad.

    Most hotels offer what they call free wifi; it is not really free as it is included in your room costs, or in junk fees added to that rate.…

  • Two of us in airline seat 6J?

    Two of us in airline seat 6J?

    I was happily seated in Business Class 6J on a Paris to New York flight. (PS  it is boringly old aged but I get on the plane, as soon as the cabin is called). The purser greeted everyone cordially, offering a glass of bubbly with juice for the flying sober. A shock: another lady approached with her boarding pass showing 6J. 

    An official from Air France, the airline partner in Paris, boarded and asked to see my boarding pass. My iPhone had a screen shot showing 6J.…

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