Faimlie is Family in Scotland. Be part of The Women’s Travel Group Faimlie. Join our trip to Scotland and Ireland. A list of stuff to surprise and shock you!

Scotland the land. There are 790 islands and 600 sq. miles of lakes.

The Women's Travel Group visits Scotland's lakes.
All photos in this article are from Visitscotland.comr

The climate There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. Summer time is still on when we travel. 

The hair The highest percentage of red haired people is in Scotland up to 13% vs. 2% of the world’s population.

Edinburgh,one of the top cities to visit in the world from Time Out. Also has the most historical listed buildings in the UK as a percentage of total.

The Women's Travel Group visits Edinburgh, Scotland
Source: VisitScotland.com

If you see men in blue jackets with brass buttons and white trousers, they are not a marching band. They are firemen. Scotland had the first urban firemen in the world.

The first sighting of Nessie was in 600 AD, the last was in 1969.  Bring your camera.

The LochNess Monster meets The Women's Travel Group tour to Scotland
All photos in this article are from VisitScotland.com

The food The best steak in Europe comes from Scotland. If you see Scottish beef order it. If fish is your thing, order the best fish- Scottish salmon, smoked or not.

The raincoat was invented in Scotland, in the UK raincoats are called Macintosh.

The official animal is the unicorn.

The accent  The accent is a mix of Celtic and Germanic languages. The rolling err’s are Celtic from invaders from circa 400AD. The base is Germanic from Anglo Saxons. Signs are in several languages. English included.

Love shopping a Macallan 1926 single malt scotch sold for $1.9 million.

Join our faimlie on a trip anyone can manage, at any age, any stage, bring a smile. https://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com/tours is where you find Scotland and many other trips. For more information or to ask those awkward questions: https://www.thewomenstravelgroup.com/contact/ 646 309 5607