True facts and tips from tour operator, The Women’s Travel Group. As you enter an airport, you will likely lose your mind. Your grey matter stays stuck on undone chores for your home life. You are still unsure of efficiency for the new trip. You drag a suitcase, with cash squeezed in a pouch against your ribcage. Your forgot to put on lipstick or comb your hair? Where did you put house keys? Where is the boarding pass you printed at home? Oh no, where is the baggage tag?

What is the best way to deal with airport insanity.
Toss liquids and aerosols.

Divide ‘treasures’. Put cash, and paper documents in a zippered pocket or money belt. Arrange papers chronologically. Divide by currency. Paperclip cash together. Avoid rubber bands; they tear paper). Leave coins home.
Insert the money belt or any small pouches into bigger bags. Small items get caught in security machines. My money belt got snared. A mechanic had to crawl in, unravel it and deal with my hysteria.
Also divide up electronic devices; ie. a smart phone in one and iPad in another bag. Two in one bag? You need to open the bag, scrounge around and pull out your device.
Avoid metal- this does not apply if you have an implant. Unless you want to make the 6 o’clock news? Do not wear wired bras; droop for a day. Wires can require extra inspection. A watch, metal zipper, hair clip, or cannon ball can set off the alarm and distance you from your bags.
Before you leave security, do a check list (says the woman who left her computer at JFK security). Remember you have lost your mind, so double check at each step.
If you have access to a lounge, set aside extra time for the airline lounge lines. Many lounges now admit elite flyers before credit card holders. If no lounge, sit where you can hear announcements. PS to get your current flight departure, put your airline/flight number into google search box. Up comes your departure or delay time.
Using the bathroom? Grab the first stall; it is the cleanest. Squeeze into it your ‘life’ which is your ‘carry on’. Before you leave the stall, double check the floor, level spaces and coat hook. People have left boarding passes on top of the toilet or sanitary tank. You can get a second pass at the gate (if the first was printed at home). You will not get a replacement baggage tag.
At the gate, check the seating chart on your phone. If you see a free seat you like better than the one you have. Ask for it with the seat number. It is a good idea to check the chart during the week before you travel also.
If you are also insane at home, we cannot help you.
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