Many phone calls start with I have never done it before. I want to travel but but but. How do you get over ‘the never done it before’ bit. Think about the other ‘never done it before’ situations you conquered:

First coed dance ( camp? church? school?), you stood in the back, concerned about not getting a partner or worse, having to dance with a partner!

The worst is first appointment with a gynecologist. We all survived that.

First day of college. My nightmares was a newly wed and in a big lecture room in Graduate School. The professor called on Mrs. Stoller. I looked around for my mother in law. It was a first ever been called Mrs. before. Answering in front of a 300 seat lecture room was terrifying. I did it decently not well but survived.

First night in your first grown up apartment or house? Every noise was a burglar. You survived or would not be reading this article.

First day at first real job? Everyone seemed experienced and busy. You dressed too well. You ate lunch alone. You survived.

So here is your never done it before checklist for travel from The Women’s Travel Group:

Ask questions up front. Read your trip documents completely. Ask more questions especially is something worries you. No question is silly. Most have been asked by others. Speak to us on the phone not just by email.

Travel tips from The Women’s Travel Group.