Yesterday we stated that going away for Thanksgiving was good for those of us with no family or uncomfortable  holiday memories. Facebook comments were: You should be with your family. We should not write that some families can be nasty.

The reality is many women of our age do NOT have family.  That we want to escape the sad memory of lost husbands and friends during Holidays.  Many feel they are a third wheel each year in a friend’s home.

Lets celebrate in whatever fashion is right for each of us.

Rome, Naples and Amalfi Coast for Thanksgiving is close to perfect. Rome has its majestic buildings and imperial aura.  The Amalfi Coast gives us dramatic views over the azure Mediterranean. Pompeii moves the heart with its 2,000 year old world. Naples will make you cringe and laugh. Sorrento will put a smile on any face no matter how wistful the Holiday Season.

Don’t hesitate to give yourself a Thanksgiving trip. You are your destiny and only you know what is right for you. Call us to discuss the trip or to book it. We also help with advice on ff tickets and hand holding. 646 309 5607 with both Thanksgiving and Christmas trips each year.