This question came up today from a woman who is thinking of going to Iran with The Women’s Travel Group in August 2015. So here are a few quick ways to self-comfort and hush your family/friends about travel to unusual places:
Will our general travel insurance cover you? If the insurance company will cover you, then breathe easily. (Iran by the way, is covered by major travel insurance companies including ours, Travel Insured).
Is the place on a DO NOT GO actual warning from major Western governments? We are not talking about ‘cautions and advisory notices’, there to remind you to think about not going with strangers, being in bad neighbors, driving on remote roads etc.
Do major US based tour companies go to that area? If so, relax as they will never take clients where clients can be hurt. Major tour companies might be part of a main industry group, USTOA, which our colleagues SITA World Tours are. That is a short cut to going out of business. Sometimes tour companies cancel areas because of weather: Chile and volcanic ash recently is a good example.
Are tour companies totally nixing that area? During the Russian invasion of E Crimea, tours still went to Odessa just avoided the real trouble spots.
Don’t be a victim of newspapers and friendly worry-warts. Do your own thinking and have your own life. However, be smart and research your destination even read local English speaking newspapers for local street crime.
You can try for a last minute spot on India Nov 11-22? OR Join us for Paris for the Holidays Dec 21-28, little space left. And for many trips on our site:
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