• Bye Bye Passport, Old Friend

    Bye Bye Passport, Old Friend

    If you are a big traveler, you suffer a stone in your stomach, as you say Good Bye to your passport. You drop your beloved passport into the black hole of the mail box. You feel a lost at sea imbalance. 

    Source US Passport Agency

    Another love it or hate electronics. You can now renew your US passport on line. This update/innovation means no mailing of a passport to the State Department and no paper application. Plus no worry that an interloper will masquerade as you on their journey to Rome.…

  • Are you a difficult traveler?

    Are you a difficult traveler?

    Over 32 years we have had 1,000’s of women travel with The Women’s Travel Group. Our company asks you on a Booking Form if you have special needs. Yes, some needs might be dietary vegetarian? vegan? no red meat? no sugar? only fresh food? Others are physical as in hearing or eyesight issues, colostomy bag issues. (We had a blind guest travel with us; she came with a friend.). A third group are allergies: perfume, peanuts, shellfish even on someone else’s plate and gluten. …

  • “Why did I buy it”?

    “Why did I buy it”?

    The Women's Travel Group tells what not to buy overseas.
    Visiting Vineyards in Italy with The Women’s Travel Group

    Women like to scratch their shopping itch when traveling abroad. Here are a few items to reconsider.

    Shoes. Shoes in Western Europe, especially Portugal, Spain and Italy are mouth-wateringly attractive and cheap. Bear in mind the following: the ‘last’ used in European shoes can be different from the ‘last’ used in shoes made for the  American market. European shoes can be narrower, with sizing based on centimeters not inches. The difference in measurement can alter the shoe fit.…

  • Be Your Own Concierge

    Be Your Own Concierge

    Even in a group tour like The Women’s Travel Group, you might want to book an extra goody, with guaranteed transportation. You can use a concierge; but be aware they might get a commission and might only offer expensive suggestions.

    Some apps we use in North America can be used overseas. Uber is the best example. When in another country, your Uber app works, debits your credit card with a fair US exchange rate. Not sure Uber is available? Click on the app and it will show asap if it works in say Tokyo or Bangkok.…

  • Asia too Far for Senior Women?

    Asia too Far for Senior Women?

    The Women's Travel Group Tours to Asia
    The Women’s Travel Visits India

    The Women’s Travel Group shares information to help you to explore some of the most enthralling places on earth: travel to Asia.

    1   Tackling, surviving and even enjoying long distance flights. Travelers are anxious before a major trip. Flying to Europe is usually at night; we know we are in for a restless partially sitting up 7-9 hours. We know we will be tired, hungry at the wrong times, awake with the moon.   

    There are pleasant surprises when you fly N.…

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